Let Me Vent

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I just wanna be somebody.
I just wanna be something.
I don't wanna have to compromise nothing.
I don't want my blessings to be so rare you think I'm lucky.
I'm only in my twenties and I feel so behind.
I'm tired of chasing Pennies and still in a bind.
I'm tired of unnecessary people leaving baggage on my mind.
I'm tired of playing fine with people wasting my time.
I'm tired of pretending to love the grind with no shine.
I'm tired of being wedged into a pile of shit like a fresh pair of Hanes.
Another joke to make light of these struggles of mine.
I said it once but again, why can't life be kind?
Forgive me for my ignorance.
I'm aware my choices cause my hinderance.
But sometimes I like to scrub my brain till I lose remembrance.
With the same Brillo Pad I use to clean the slate.
In other words, my overflowing dirty plate.
I started over so many times I've lost count.. I believe this is part eight.
The part where there was once unconditional love it's uncontrollable hate.
Uncontrollable impatience against fate.
I'm tired of preparing for my purpose just to get stood up on our date.
I'm tired of trying to convince myself and others that we'll all be something great.
What happens when everyone falls off the wait?
What happens when I show up a minute too late?
I wouldn't know how to achieve my dreams if I were led by a pair of skates.
That reminds me of the slippery slime I get from laying with snakes.
I can relate to Eve, I let charm make me bet on the stakes.
That reminds me of the habit I replaced with gambling.
The way we find comfort in the worst things leaves my mind rambling.
Cigars to casinos to sex and man handling.
These habits give us temporary happiness until depression's done dandling.
Snatching away our smiles like removing a baby's rattle.
Before life gets shaky like you're on a horse's saddle.
Before life maximizes your fears like preparing for a school paddle.
Everyday it's a new battle.
I'm tired of absorbing my feelings and leaving the pool shallow.
So allow me to vent.
Allow me to accept your payment of attention minus two cents.
If you can relate to my feelings then attention well spent.
But Remember always , God has the last say so ladies and gents.

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