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Thomas's parents are gonna be back tomorrow, yet lily still doesn't want to go home.

Here, she's allowed to do anything and everything.

There, she isn't allowed and she has to deal with her dad's questions.

"Hey I have an idea." Thomas says.

Lily hums turning to him and nodding softly telling him to say it.

"Minho's parents are out of town and they won't be here for a month yet, we could ask Minho to stay over." He suggests.

"Tee do you have any manners? Who does that? Maybe he wants to stay alone, maybe he doesn't want us there, maybe—" she rambled but Thomas cuts her off.

"He's your best friend and mine too he'll definitely want us there." The brunette states. "Please?" He whispers dragging out the 'e'.

"Fine, you're asking though." She crosses her arms sassily.

"Yes! I love you." He kissed her cheek.

She giggles. "I love you too, okay go ask!"

"Right! I will." Thomas jumps up grabs his phone and goes to call Minho.

Lily tones out all the conversation the two boys are having, her mind drifting to else where.

Last night to lily wasn't just a kiss to calm her down.

She wanted Thomas.

She liked Thomas.




She can't like Thomas.

Her dad hates him!

He wont ever accept the two.

"Yes! Lil we're staying over at Minho's!" Thomas exclaims.

"Seriously?" She laughs.

Thomas jumps around and hugs her lifting her off the ground and spinning her around.

"Thomas it's not that serious why are you so happy."

"You don't have to go home and face your bitch dad!" He beamed.

"Did you just call my dad a bitch?" She narrows her eyes, Thomas's eyes widened, then she bursts out laughing. "I agree." She pants through laughs.

"Oh! Also winter break is soon, and.."

"And?" Lily tilts her head.

"I have tickets to Disneyland!" He grins from ear to ear.

"Seriously?" She hollers.

"Yes! I have two tickets! And guess who I'm taking with me?"

"Uhm Minho." She says.

"Lily are you serious? I'm taking you idiot!" He shrieks.

"Thomas! What the fuck! How did you even get those tickets." She questions.

"Hmm you don't need to worry about that."

"Thank you tee, seriously for everything." She smiles fondly at the boy, before pulling him into a bone crushing hug.

"Of course."

Lily had to go back home to pack her bags, she had obviously told Lucas and her mom everything and they seemed okay with it.

Her dad, though, she hadn't spoken a single word to the man.

She sneakily walked in, and went straight to her, she packed her bags, and walked back out again sneakily.

"Lilith rose Whitlock where have you been." She heard a harsh voice bellow.

"Dad." She shrieked. "Hi."

"Answer my question young lady."

"I got home every night and slept here in the mornings I just walked around down." The lie slipped out easily from the blonde girls mouth.

"Don't lie to me." He grabbed her arm roughly.

She winced. "Dad I'm not lying." She tried to push him off but the man was too strong.

"Go to your room." He harshly let go.

"Fine." She glared at her father and stormed upstairs.

The blonde girl had texted Thomas to come sneak her out.

Which he did.

And now the two were at Minho's.

The two boys were talking about something that lily didn't understand.

Lily, since the two boys couldn't cook, was making them dinner.

She was making pasta.

And soon the girl was down and served them the food.

"Lil! Are you not gonna eat with us?" Thomas frowned, followed by Minho who had concern in his eyes.

The Asian boy knew about lily's eating disorder.

"Uh I'm not really hungry." She scratched the back of her neck.

"We'll save you some." Minho gave her a small smile.

"Thanks I'll go unpack." She waved at the two and walked upstairs, the boys thought they would be respectful and gave lily the guest room and they would be sharing minhos room.

Thomas and lily had been staying over at Minho's for three weeks now, and spring break was in 5 days.

They told Minho they would leave in 5 days, since Thomas was gonna bring Lily with him to Disneyland.

Minho's first thought obviously was 'are you taking her on a date?'.

Which to his surprise, he said 'only if she's okay with it.

The two were going for three days, Thomas was planning on asking her out on the third day with a romantic day.

He just hoped it wouldn't go wrong an that she would say 'yes'.

Authors note
I know it's going to fast and I'm sorry but they might get together soon so the rest can be the forbidden love part, if you don't like fast burns I'm sorry but my next book. 'Serein' is gonna be a slow burn so you can go read that!
Love you all, evy<3

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