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Lily sat by the window, staring blankly out at the thick trees surrounding the isolated house. The sun was rising, casting a dim glow over the quiet landscape, but all she could feel was the weight of her isolation. Her father's words from the night before echoed in her head, cold and unyielding. *"This is for your own good."*

She clenched her fists, trying to fight the frustration bubbling inside her. How could this possibly be for her own good? She was trapped here, away from everything she loved, and from everyone who had ever cared about her.

Her mind drifted to her friends. Minho had always been the one to keep her grounded, his sarcastic wit and fierce loyalty providing a sense of normalcy even in the craziest situations. He'd know what to say if he were here. He'd crack a joke, make her laugh, and somehow find a way to turn this mess into something she could handle. She missed his relentless energy, his ability to make her feel like no problem was too big to face.

And Teresa... her best friend. She had been with her through everything—family drama, late-night breakdowns, and every other storm life had thrown at them. Teresa had always been the rational one, the one who saw things clearly when Lily couldn't. She would have told Lily to stay strong, to not give in to the weight pressing down on her.

Her thoughts spiraled further. Sonya, Harriet, Newt... all her friends. They must be wondering where she was, why she wasn't answering her phone. They were probably looking for her, trying to make sense of her sudden disappearance. The thought of them, of their worry and confusion, made her chest tighten with guilt.

But no matter how hard she tried to focus on her friends, her mind kept circling back to Thomas. She couldn't get the image of his face out of her head, the shock and helplessness in his eyes when he saw her father dragging her to the car. He had tried to follow, but something had distracted him—probably her father's men—before he could even make it close. The memory of Thomas, standing there, powerless as she was taken away, broke her heart.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Thomas had found her, and for the first time, she felt like things were going to be okay. But now, here she was, ripped away from him again, trapped in her father's control.

She clenched her fists tighter, frustration bubbling inside her. *I can't just leave things like this. I can't just let him win.*

Lily was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear the footsteps approaching until her father's voice cut through the silence like a knife. "Lily, we need to talk."

She tensed instantly, her back straightening as she turned to face him. His expression was hard, as it always was, his eyes cold and authoritative. Her heart pounded in her chest, the familiar wave of dread washing over her. Nothing good ever came from her father asking for a talk.

"What is it?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Come here," he commanded, gesturing to the small table in the middle of the room. "Sit down."

Reluctantly, Lily stood and made her way over, sitting down on one of the wooden chairs. Her father remained standing, towering over her as if to assert his control before he even said a word.

"I know you're upset," he began, his voice low and measured. "But I need you to understand that this is necessary. You don't know the full extent of what's going on, and I can't have you making rash decisions that could put us all in danger."

Lily's eyes narrowed. "Danger? What danger are you talking about? The only danger I'm in is because of you. You're the one who dragged me here against my will. You're the one who's ruining everything."

Her father's jaw tightened. "You're too young to understand—"

"I understand perfectly!" Lily snapped, her anger rising. "You've lied to me, manipulated me, and now you're trying to control me completely! You can't keep doing this. I won't let you."

Her father's expression darkened, his patience clearly wearing thin. "Watch your tone, Lily. I'm doing what I have to, and you will obey me."

"I'm not a little girl anymore," she shot back, her voice trembling with anger. "You can't just treat me like one of your pawns."

His eyes flashed with anger, and before Lily could react, he moved toward her. She barely flinched, knowing what was coming, but the sting of his hand hitting her cheek was no less painful than the first time he had done it. It wasn't the first slap, and she knew it wouldn't be the last. Her father had always been quick to strike when he didn't get what he wanted.

Her breath caught in her throat as she brought her hand to her cheek, feeling the familiar sting of the hit. Her eyes watered, but she refused to let the tears fall. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"Get this through your head," her father hissed, standing over her, his voice venomous. "You don't have a choice in this. You're coming with me, and you will listen to what I say."

Lily didn't say anything, too shocked and hurt to respond. Her cheek throbbed where his hand had connected, but more than the physical pain, it was the deep sense of betrayal that hurt the most. She had known him to be controlling, manipulative—but every time he raised his hand to her, it reminded her of just how far he was willing to go.

Without another word, her father turned and stormed out of the room, leaving her sitting at the table in stunned silence. The door slammed shut behind him, the sound reverberating through the quiet house.

Lily sat frozen, her thoughts a chaotic whirlwind. Her father had hit her again. She was used to it, but that didn't make it any easier to accept. The reality of her situation began to sink in once more, and suddenly, the tears she had been holding back began to fall, silent and uncontrollable.

In that moment, all she could think about was Thomas. How much she needed him. How much she wished he were here to tell her everything would be okay.

But he wasn't here. And she had never felt more alone.

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