Chapter Two

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     When Christina and I walk into our class, we are greeted by a tall thin teacher with spindly glasses and retro clothes. We then sit down right as the bell rings.

"Alright class. We have a n-" She begins but is interrupted by a group of guys who walk through the classroom door. One of them including the guy I ran into earlier. "You're late." She spots out the obvious.

"And?" Four, from what Chris tells me, sasses her.

"De...Detention." She studders as if she's affraid to say it.

Four commences amongst his group of guys. He looks her strait in the eye.

"Fine. But only because I don't feel like knocking a teacher out on the first day of school. I usually wait until the second week," He smirks and they all sit down.

     Her face had gone pale. She then resumes herself and continues what she was saying. "As I was saying, we have a new student in the class. Beatrice, will you come up?" It sounds more like an order than an invitation. I walk up to the podium at the front of the class.

"Hi. I'm Tris. I like sports and music. And I moved from Tennessee." I say awkwardly. It is Chris who ends it. She slow claps and yells "Yah Tris!" Four just gives me a glare in the back of the room. I raise one eyebrow for a quick second and then sassily walk off.

"Okay. In today's lesson, we're going to begin well, at the beginning. Now open your books to page sixteen." And the teacher starts off with her rants.

*Time Lapse*

     When we get to lunch, Chris and the rest of the girls find someone in their spot. I haven't even finished my first day so I didn't know they had a spot. When we walk over to the picnic table under the pavilion, the figures become more visible. It's Four and his gang. All of us, except Lynn, feel as if someone punched us in the stomach.

"Well well well." Is all Four says when we get over to the table. "Look who it is. The newbie and the nobodies."

"Can we know...just sit in our spots and continue on with this peaceful, quiet lunch?" Asks Marlene.

"Ah. You know, I heard about you. You're the peaceful loving butterfly who..." He starts, but I cut him off.

"Shut it." I scowl at him. "Is this because I bumped into you this morning? Has no one ever sassed you before? Well, don't bring my new friends into this," I yell. By now, everyone in the pavilion is looking at us. The bad boys against the scared school girls with bought lunches. He then stands up, grabs the edges of my leather jacket, and lifts me into the air.

"You've got a lot of balls talking to me like that, yah little flea bag. I could smash you so easily, I wouldn't even lose any energy. Fling you across the room and snap your neck." He smirks, still with his sunglasses on.

"Well at least I don't hide myself from the rest of the world in a fake cover to hide what I'm really like." Is all I say as I kick him in the core -and might I add he had some of the best abs I have ever kicked - and just barely get out of his grasp. A small 5'3 girl against a 6'4 boy.

     He looks down at me and scowls. He and his group of friends leave the table as me and my girls sit down. Christina is he first to talk.

"How did you do that!?" She asks.

"Well, at my old school I was much shorter than everyone else, so I always stood up for myself. Eventually, I gained many guy friends, so I knew what went through their minds. It helped me defeat all the bullies." I exclaim.

     During lunch, we all exchanged small talk, ate our school food, and gossipped about what goes on at the school. Then, all of a sudden, I heard my name over at Four's table. Lynn looks at me.

"You're so screwed." She says.

     I grimace at her. Way to stay positive, but I knew she was right: I am screwed. The bell then rings and we all walk to gym. Throughout the halls, everyone is looking and whispering at us. This really can't be good.

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