Chapter Twelve

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     Monday, great. A new week with more homework and more drama, especially because of the kiss between Four and I- even if no one else knows about it. Today, I decide to wear a cream long sleeve shirt, a maroon skater skirt, black tights, black pumps, and a black button down coat. I then curl my long hair slightly and put light makeup on. I walk out the door with a black leather handbag as my backpack. I park my car at school and walk in to seat myself where the rest of the girls are.

"Hey! Omg! Super cute. Where did you get it?" Chris asks me.

"What? The handbag or the outfit?" I ask.

"Both. They are so cute on you. I don't know if I could pull something like that off." She exclaims.

"Uh, I don't really know. I just buy whatever I like as long as it's decently priced." I reply.

Just then, Christina gets a text. She looks at it and then her eyes expand. "Tris. After school is the cheer tryouts. You are coming with me." She squeals.

"What?! No. I'm not spending my time with a bunch of rich brats who think they own the school!" I yell.

"Relax. That's the dance team. Although, Lauren is the captain of cheer so...also her friends. So three girls are brats." Chris pleads.

"Fine." I really don't feel like arguing with her because I would never win.

     Just then the bell rings. Time to get to history. When I walk in, Four stares at me with awe but is interrupted by another girl walking in sassily and going over to flirt with him.

"Great. Now we have Lauren in our class." Chris pouts.

"How did she end up here?" I ask "Why haven't I ever seen her if she's the queen bee?" I ask confused.

"She had first lunch and no classes with us. She was at the other end of the school. Now, she's switched to this class and our lunch." Chris says.

     I look at her closely, while she's flirting with Four. Sitting on his desk with crossed legs, leaning back, smacking her gum, and twirling her hair. She has a very low bearing purple crop top with light blue shorty shorts that show her butt. The bell rings again and she sits down. Through out the teacher's lessons, she looks back at Four twisting her hair and smacking that stupid gum giving him a desirable look. He doesn't pay attention but on he occasion looks at me.

     When lunch time comes around, we find Lauren and her friends sitting in our seat. I cough out loud. She only looks back, chomps her food, sizes me up, spits on me, and then continues eating her salad. She makes me so pissed off, so I squeeze in between her and one of her minions. She glares at me but I just smile at her and start eating. Chris and the rest of them get the memo so they do the same as I did. Eventually Lauren speaks up.

"What do you think you're doing little newbie?" She glares.

I look at her innocently. "I'm sitting." I reply.

"You little witch! You don't know who you messing with! I could make your life miserable." She stands.

     I look up at her. "Correction. It's 'you don't know who you're messing with'. And I know who I'm messing with. She's called Lauren, a little [insert choice of bad word] who is at the top of the food chain. Well guess what? I'm Tris and I sit here. Now move and go cry to your flirtatious boyfriend." I say while pointing to Four. He just looks at me.

     She then moves and trips over herself. The whole cafeteria laughs at her. I don't because in a way I feel bad. Her little friends rush over to help her and leave our table. I then sit back down and finish my lunch. Justice came but I feel really guilty. I basically insulted Four by saying flirtatious boyfriend and publicly humiliated Lauren, even if she did it to herself by tripping. The bell rings again and we move to music.

*Time Laps to After School*

     Once we were out of math, Christina dragged me to the gym for cheer tryouts. We had to put our gym uniforms on because it was the only school colors we owned. When we walk in, we are informed that the tryouts last three days. The first day is stunting, the second is dancing and doing the cheers itself, and the third is a review and the actual tryouts. Also, for the tryouts, we had to be able to do a prep in two positions. So the girl who explained everything to us told us what positions we would be placed in. I was placed as a base and a flyer. She said if I made the team I would definitely be a flyer so I should become comfortable with that position. Chris was put as a backspot and a base. We then get to work.

     The first thing that we do is work on a prep. It's where the people under me (bases and the backspot) lift me up to about their neck. The first prep we did, I fell but after that we stayed up. The second thing I did was a prep as a base. That turned out great as well. After, I was a flyer for an extention. It's where the bases lock out their arms so their arms are fully extended. We did great so the coach let us go on to quarter ups and half ups. Then, we did libs and worked on forward extended rolls. Apparently- from what the coach said -I am one of the best flyers they have ever had. Then, Lauren comes in and sees me. She glares and then walks up to the coach to ask what she should do. The coach gets a great idea that me and Lauren should have a competition to see who has a better stunt group. First she says prep about thirty times with a pop. After it was extentions. Neither Lauren or I have fallen so we go to lib. After doing two, Lauren falls. My group wins. I go home at about 9 all sweaty and gross. Right when I get home, I take a shower, finish my homework, and have dinner. After dinner, I completely pass out on my bed. Can't wait for tryouts.


     Today is the tryouts for cheer. Ever since Monday, Lauren has hated me more and had flirted with Four even more. Today I wear high waisted jeans with a green plaid long sleeve shirt that ties in the front. I wear brown cowgirl boots for the occasion and braid my hair to the side. After school, I change into a new outfit: navy blue yoga pants with a white stripe down the side and a white tank top with a really cool back and navy blue siding. We get warmed up and stretch. Then we recite the dance and new cheer in pairs of fours while the rest of the group watches. Then, we do our stunts. About two hours later, they announce to the group who made what team and who got cut. Both Lauren and Chris made JV while I made varsity. I drive home and do my happy dance. I get ready for bed and then plop down on my bed. Today was also football tryouts if I'm correct. I check my laptop and then my phone. I got one message from a random person. I read at it and then gasp. How did he get my number?

Hey, I know we pretend like we don't know each other, but meet me at the pier park at 12. -Four

I read my alarm clock: 11:45.

Do I go or not?

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