Chapter Sixteen

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My mother, of course, just invites them in and is completely oblivious to the fact that me and Four go to the same school. He smiles at me quick and ducks past me through the doorway into the living room. He looks like he is in pain and is regretful. I look past his facial expressions and look at him as himself. Wearing kakai pants and a light blue button down shirt, I feel a pang of hate and pity for him. For the hate, I want to punch his face to show him what I felt and the pity, for his pain filled face. Thankful for the space between us, we all filter into the dinning room where the home cooked Italian meal is waiting for us. My mom and dad place themselves at the head of the table as the mayor and Caleb sit across from each other. This means that I have to sit across from Four.
Throughout dinner, I see Four give me awkward glances. After dinner, my mom tells Caleb to clean the dishes. She then dismisses both Four and I so the 'grown ups' can talk about politics. We both subconsciously walk into the living room and I awkwardly sit on the couch. He just stands there in the open door. He looks like he wants to say something, but can't find the words.

"Umm..." He starts but I don't look at him.

"I heard about what happened today, and I have no idea why it happened." He looks at the floor glumly. I cross my arms across my chest and don't speak.

"Common, you must have something to say." He looks me strait in the eye with guilty eyes. I stare right at him blankly not responding.

I then get up off the couch and walk over to him. I slap him with a blank, cold-hearted stare; he got slapped so hard, that a red mark should be there for a couple of days- or a bruise. Then, I walk off to the stairs. He runs after me grabbing my wrist. I twist his hand and almost break his wrist. I still don't say anything, only stare. His other hand clutches the almost broken one and he yelps inside his head- you can tell by his facial reactions of the pain he is in. I stalk off to my room and slam the door.

After 2 to 3 hours of homework, my mom still hasn't come in to ask what happened or if I'm okay. The clock already reads past 10 o'clock. I decide to take a shower and get ready for bed. When I get out of the shower and get dressed, I see that I have over 25 messages from Four.

Hey, call me when you can.

I really need to talk to you.

I have no idea what happened today, please talk.

I just found out what happened.

I'm so sorry that happened to you.

I had no idea.

Please text me.

Call me!

Can you meet me?

I need to talk to you in person.

And tons more messages along those lines. One message sticks out the most:

PLEASE meet me at the pier. 12 o'clock.

Ironic how that was where we met the first time. I brush my hair and plop down onto my bed. Scrolling through my photos, I see one of him. I have no idea where I got it from but I automatically delete it. Another message comes through.

I need to explain.

How can I trust him after what he did? He looked really depressed, but he could be lying- trying to screw with my life. I delete all the messages except for the one about the pier. What am I going to do?

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