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June's POV:

oh, I so would've ended their miserable lives very slowly, only if I wasn't fighting to keep the blood inside my mouth where it belonged instead of spitting it out onto the concrete.

I do regret it, but I was using every ounce of my core strength not to double over in pain. my hands were shaking as I gripped the steering wheel, my breathing ragged. 

my condition had worsened, and it's only a matter of time until I begin to pass out again, multiple times. that's the worst it's ever gotten. there's certain stages, coughs are just the beginning. 

but coughing up blood?  that's a different story. I needed that medicine, and fast. there was a pill that stopped the effects for a little while but if I didn't get my medication quick... 

I slam the car door shut as I exit, holding my side. I had the worst cramp ever and my vision was quickly darkening. 

"June are you--" Marcell starts, dropping his clipboard.

"shut the f*ck up" 

"okay" he raises his hands holding the door open for me and I stumble through the halls. my breathing was ragged and I had to slap my arms to get myself to stay awake. the door to my dad's room was just up ahead, only a little more, just a little. 

I burst through the door, opening my mouth to say something but I squeeze my eyes shut, focusing on staying standing instead. 

"June?" my dad looked up from whatever the hell he was doing, he began to walk over but he didn't make it in time. I met the floor before I met his hands. 


all I see is darkness.


someone is saying something.


it's all muffled, my eyes flutter open and I see my dad leaning over me. 

"Christ!" I move back, he scared me sh*tless. 

"oh come on, I'm not that scary" he narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. I'm on his bed, I must've not been out for that long. 

"your face is" 


"kidding" I laugh, quickly cutting it off with a wince, it hurts to move. 

"what happened to you?" he asks, taking a step closer, I put my head in my hands, massaging my temples.

"mmm I don't know" I shrug, he balls his hands into a fist. 

"you need the medicine" he stated, I look up at him. is he f*cking for real?

"really?" I ask "really? do I really need it?" I mock him, he looks up to the ceiling, groaning in annoyance. 

"we're going today anyways" he tells me, I nod. 

"alright" I go to stand up but my legs give in and I reach to the bedpost for support. 

"your not going. in this condition?" he goes to my side, helping me stand up properly "no f*cking way" 

I stare at him, confused "excuse me?" 

"you heard me, your in no proper condition to go to Alexandria" he tells me firmly. 

"no, no way" I shake my head "I feel fine now, I'll get the medicine in a couple hours anyways" I plead with him but he goes to walk out the door "dad!" 

"no is no, June, your not going" he looks back at me, grabbing Lucille and resting her on his shoulder. it's not worth the fight, he's stubborn he'll keep saying no.

what he always forgets though, I'm ten times more stubborn. 

I put my boots on, check. 

put my jacket on, check. 

gun in holster, check. 

I'm going to Alexandria, no need to check that off, I know. 

slipping out of my room was easy enough. the Sanctuary was quiet at this hour, most of the Saviors settled into their routines. I moved with purpose, sticking to the shadows as I made my way through the familiar hallways. no one paid me any mind—just another evening for Negan's daughter. I kept my pace steady, heartbeat matching the rhythm of my boots on the cold concrete. as I neared the loading area, the sound of idling trucks grew louder, and with one last glance over my shoulder, I made my way to the waiting truck, ready to blend in with the night.

I spot the guards, noting their patterns, their brief moments of inattention. my window is small. with a final deep breath, I wait for their backs to turn before I sprint forward, slipping under the tarp at the back of the truck. the fabric scratches my hands as I pull it down over me, blocking out the dim light and the chill night air.

the truck rumbles to life, the vibrations coursing through my body as I huddle into a tight ball, holding my breath as though the very air could betray my presence. my heart thunders in my chest, the sound of the engine barely covering the frantic beat. I'm in, Alexandria is next. 

there's no turning back now.

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