It's All His For The Taking

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Carl's POV: 

my heart pounded in my chest as I followed my dad to the gate. there were boxes and boxes filled with things that were about to be Negan's. I hear the familiar rumble of the trucks in front of us as Aaron opened the gates and the Saviors drove in, parking with a screech.  

Negan was in a car this time, alone, no June. I breathe a sigh of relief.

Negan stepped out of the car with his usual swagger, Lucille resting comfortably on his shoulder. the air was thick with tension, a silence falling over our group as we waited for his command. he took a moment, surveying the scene with a calculating gaze, his eyes flickering over every face, every detail, like he was reading a book only he could understand. 

the corners of his mouth curled into a smirk as he finally spoke, his voice low but commanding. "alright, boys and girls, let's get to work. load up all the good stuff—I want every last bit. And don't even think about cutting corners, 'cause I'll be watching every damn move you make." 

he slowly paced along the line of supplies, inspecting everything with a sharp eye, occasionally tapping Lucille against a crate or box as if emphasizing the importance of each item. the Saviors jumped into action, hauling boxes and bags into the truck with a sense of urgency, fully aware of the weight of Negan's gaze on them. Negan lingered, his presence alone keeping the operation running smoothly, ensuring that not a single thing went amiss under his watch.

 something caught my eye. I turned my head slightly and froze when I saw June, slipping out of the back of the truck like a shadow. for a moment, I thought she might go unnoticed, but then I saw Negan's gaze snap toward her. 

"June?" Negan raised his voice, everyone's heads snapped to her direction, she froze. all I was thinking about was how if I was ready to face the consequences, I'd shoot her right then and there. 

"well, I see you guys fixed this place up nicely" she smiled, looking around. I wanted to choke the life out of her. Negan storms towards her and her eyes focus on him, her smile faltering. 

"what the hell are you doing here" he muttered, grabbing her arm, she pushed him away, pausing and coughing. 

"it was stupid of you to not let me go" she argued, regaining her composure. the Saviors stopped their work and just stared. 

"got a staring problem?" June snapped at them and they didn't reply, going back to their work. Negan pinched the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes and balling his fists. 

"you guys have something we want" she stepped away from her dad and towards us. 

"this is half, this is the deal--" my dad began.

"look, I don't give two sh*ts about a deal, lets get that straight, second of all, you guys are thriving" she raised her hands, pointing to all of Alexandria. 

"I'm sure you'll be fine" she sneered. we don't have any guns, we can't protect ourselves if they choose to attack. we can't do... anything. 

my breathing became sharp, I could lunge at her right now, pushing her to the ground, beating her to a pulp until she chokes on her own blood, but I chose not to. 

she whistled over to two other saviors and pointed to Denise's place. they wanted medicine? 

"there's nothing in there" Michonne said to June who'd already turned her back, she paused, turning around. 

"what?" she laughed. 

"we've used up all of it to heal the wounded after you attacked us" Maggie spoke up, June looked at Maggie, looking her up and down. 

"your lying" June didn't say that like she knew, but like she was hoping for it to be a lie. Maggie shook her head. June's expression flickered and she showed some emotion other then anger before she turned around and made eye contact with Negan, she walked towards him, muttering something. he nodded, calling the saviors back. 

they were in a hurry to leave now, loading the boxes and carts faster before they jumped into the trucks themselves, Negan slammed the passenger door shut, locking June in the car and she gave him a look. 

"you won yourself the lottery Rick, next time, you wont be so lucky" 

with the blink of an eye, they were gone. what the hell? we stood there for a moment, confused. 

"what was that about?" Aaron walked over. 

"I'm not sure..." my dad trailed off. why were they in such a rush? 

"something's off" Michonne said.

"I know..." my dad nodded. 

"I'll go see what's going on" Daryl suggested, walking over to his bike. 

"no, don't" my dad followed "they left, it's fine, we should consider ourselves lucky" 

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, the look Negan gave June, they know something we don't. the sun was setting and making the sky all sorts of colors, which reminded me of my dream, f*ck my face is getting hot. 

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