Wedding From Hell

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Scene. Philip is in a grey shirt and red boxers ,  a towel wrapped around his head and another on his shoulder. The Halliwell brother is impatiently waiting  outside the bathroom door knocking on it.

Philip : Piper!  If you're not peeing or going number two . Can you open the door! Why are you taking so long!

Piper :  in a minute

Philip : you've been saying that for I don't know an eternity.

He groans getting more impatient . Just then Prue came by looking at him head to toe.

Prue : what are you doing here?

Philip : I need to shower. Duh.

Prue : well I need the bathroom.

Philip : well it doesn't seem like any of us are getting what we want this morning (his voice  gets louder as he turns to the door) BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE ARE HOGGING THE BATHROOM!

Piper : I said I'll be out in a minute!

Prue: Piper, are you still in there?

Cut in the bathroom. Piper's in there holding up a pregnancy test.

Piper: I'm almost done.

Prue: Define almost.

Piper: Just give me another minute... or two.

Prue: You're positive?

Philip : ugh?

Piper: (whispering) I hope not.

Philip : hold on. Back up. (He places his hands on the  towel on his head )I'm going to be an uncle ? I'm pretty young to be an uncle. I always thought if one of you got pregnant first it would be Phoebe.

Piper : Don't start counting your chickens before they hatch. I rather not be  pregnant right now.

Philip : you sure about that.

Prue: Piper, I cannot be late today.

Piper: (whispering) I know the feeling.

Prue: My first biannual auction starts tomorrow and...

Prue: I want to-

Piper and Philip :  do a good job.

Piper: Yes, I know.

Prue: So, can you hurry?

Piper: Just use the bathroom downstairs.

Prue: All my stuff is up here.

Piper: Well, borrow mine. It's all down there.

Prue: But then... never mind.

Prue leaves and Phoebe walks up to the bathroom.

Philip : ok back up .  I was here first! So get in line .

Phoebe acts like she hasn't heard him and knocks on the door.

Phoebe: Piper?

Piper: I'll be right out.

Phoebe: Is there any hot water left?

THE HALLIWELL BROTHER(CHARMED OG)Where stories live. Discover now