The Wendigo

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Philip read through the book of shadows. So far it seemed Damien was telling the truth ; white lighters were some sort of mystical guardian angels who watched over novice witches. Though Damien may have good intentions, the Halliwell was still upset by the deception knowing their first meeting was just a set up.

Few days later

Phliip : why did I have to go to the arcade so late ?

He did miss Happy Smiles and taking care of the animals especially Max but he didn't want to risk running into Damien. He wasn't sure he wanted to see him just yet. Hence he had been spending his time doing anything that took his mind off Damien or the animals at the shelter.

But now he was regretting his decision because once he started playing a game he would get carried away without bothering about the time and now he was walking home in the late night. He didn't want any of his sisters to pick him up , he was twenty for goodness sake - a big boy , he could handle walking down a dark neighbourhood.

But yet Philip couldn't help but feel something was out there in the bushes lurking and watching him. He looked back but saw nothing .

Philip :Phew. Calm down. Like Grams used to say , it's just in your head Philip.

He turned around only to be face to face with some hairy looking creature that snarled in his face. Philip screamed as the creature growled.

Philip : oh my. Oh my!

He ran as his fast as his legs could carry him trying to outrun the thing pursuing him . Even though he was frightened and panicking a small voice in his head that oddly reminded him of Prue was telling him to look for some where to hide.

The Halliwell boy ran into the telephone booth nearby. He didn't even have time to catch breath when the creature began pounding on the glass of the booth.

Philip : oh man !(the creature started shaking the booth) now would be a good time for an active power ! Leave me alone!

The telephone booth fell to the ground . Philip looked around nervously not seeing the monster anywhere in sight.

Philip : where did it go?

The creature was suddenly on top of the booth now. The thing growled before ripping through the windows slashing Phliip's arm

Philip : DAMIEN!!!!!

The white lighter was at Happy Smiles putting Max in his cage when he heard his name being called.

Damien : Philip?

Sensing his charge in danger , he immediately orbed without any hesitation where he could sense the Halliwell. He saw Phliip in the fallen booth and some creature on top of it.

Damien : Phliip!

A guy with a flare gun appears and shoots it at the creature. It gets scared and runs back into the bushes. Damien and The guy runs over to a shocked speechless Philip.

Guy: Everything's gonna be okay.

Damien : you alright?

Philip : I....I....I think I pissed my pants just now .(he faints)

Opening Credits

[Scene: The hospital. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk up to reception.]

Phoebe: Uh, Philip Halliwell.

(Andy's there with Damien .)

Andy: Prue, Piper Phoebe.

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