The 70's Episode

89 3 12

Scene. Halliwell manor. Prue and Phoebe are looking through photo albums.

Phoebe : there aren't any picture of me growing up

Prue: that seems impossible. I mean you and Philip were never exactly camera shy .

Phoebe : neither were you and Piper or Grams and Dad. Oh look there another one of you and Piper.

Prue : ok here's a picture of you and Grams.

Phoebe : oh I wasn't cute

Prue: here's one of you Philip  and Mom.

Phoebe (takes the photo ) : wow.  I don't remember. I was about two

Prue (nods) : I think it was taken after right around  Philip's first birthday. I remember Mom going all out to make it memorable because he was the baby of the family and the first boy.

Phoebe : then she died on us a year later

Prue : Phoebe.

She knew how much both Phoebe and Philip were bummed they never had any physical memories to hold onto their mom. The two were  very young when their mother drowned.

Piper and Philip then enter the room .

Piper : Philip do you have a pen ?

Philip checks his pockets before shaking his head. She then goes to the drawer to open it but it's stuck.

Piper : quick we don't have alot of time (Phoebe hits it twice and kicks the drawer and it opens) I always wondered how you got into my candy.

Phoebe: well too bad the Candy's gone. What are you two up to?

Philip : writing a note for Grams' admirer

Phoebe : what ?

Prue : what admirer?

Piper : you know ...what's his name (door bell rings ) Grams' little friend that comes every year same day same time.

Philip : he usually goes ' flowers are from a secret admirer' when it's clearly him. Don't know why he never gave up. She was clearly  never interested

Grams always seemed more irritated than fluttered Every time the old man came by. Yet again , Grams didn't like the entire male species except for him naturally of course.

Piper : what he said. (Opens the door ) hi. Come on in. The clock chimes in the background) how are you.

Man : flowers for Miss Penny Halliwell (he goes to hand them to Piper but he drops them and Piper freezes him and the flowers) every year. What a klutz.

Philip : classic

Phoebe : but why are you two writing him a note

Piper : to tell him Grams died

Prue : oh. You're gonna break his heart

Philip : well I actually suggested  we tell him to his face but Pipes said the note was better

Piper : we are not adding more to the man's grief being direct and besides Philip you don't exactly have tact when it comes to such

Philip pouted , grief wasn't exactly his strong suit or was comforting somebody else going through it.

Piper gets the vase of flowers that's frozen in the air. The man unfreezes.

Man : five chimes

Piper : excuse me ?

Man : the clock. I only heard five chimes . It's noon that means you froze me. Which means you have your powers at last

Philip : uh....(to Piper ) what's happening

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