Out Of Sight

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[Scene: The park. There is a little boy's birthday party there. Prue, Piper , Phoebe and Philip are there.]

Phoebe: So what are you so afraid of?

Piper: I'm not afraid. I'm not. I'm just not sure.

Prue: Not sure of what?

Philip : Josh. Gosh this is getting old now.

Piper : hey!

Prue : what about Josh ?

Phoebe : He wants to have the talk with Piper.

Prue: What talk?

Phoebe: Three dates, no sex. There could only be one talk he's talking about. The talk. Safe sex, prior partners. Standard dating protocol.

Piper: And sex equals relationship.

Philip : as the only virgin amongst us and the  youngest , can you reframe from talking about sex. Some details should not be disclosed.

Phoebe : you're still a virgin? Like you and your girlfriends never did anything sexual?

Philip : we kissed but Grams always said a true gentleman never does not rush .

Phoebe : oh.(to Prue and Piper)  the baby just got more adorable

Philip : stop it.

Prue shakes her head and directs the conversation back to Piper

Prue: And you're not sure you want to be a couple?

Piper: Well, it's not that I don't like him.

Phoebe: Then what's wrong with being a couple?

Piper: Well, I thought Leo and I were a couple and then we coupled and he took off.

Philip and Phoebe exchanged a look and the former felt bad about keeping the secret from Piper. Were Damien and Leo's bosses really that adamant about not letting witches and white lighters being together? How could love be forbidden.

Prue: Yeah, well, men seem to have a different definition of coupling than women do.

Phoebe: I do not think that's why Leo left.

Philip : and as a man myself , I can attest to that Prue

(Dee walks up to the girls.)

Dee: Hey, Prue.

Prue: Hey, Dee, how are you?

Piper: (to David) Hey, how's the party going?

David: Great. We're playing Squish the Squash and nobody's been able to catch me. (Prue's phone rings.) Is the cake ready?

Piper: Uh, yeah, give us about five minutes.

David: Awesome. (He runs off.) Hey guys, five minutes until the cake.

Dee: Thanks for doing all this, Piper. I never would have been able to afford it.

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