Feats Of Clay

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Scene: Cairo, Egypt. Three men are at a house. One of them smashes the glass on the door, reaches inside and opens the door.]

Wesley: Told you. Piece of cake.

Clay: Let's just do this and get out of here.

Wesley: Relax, Clay. I told you no one's home, the owner is dead.

Palmer: Stay here and keep watch. We'll get the urn. (Wesley and Palmer walk into another room while Clay stands at the doorway.) Clay doesn't know, does he?

Wesley: Why spook him? He probably believes it was the curse that killed the old man.

Palmer: He was stung to death by a scorpion, Wesley. In a bathroom of an aeroplane.

Wesley: Don't tell me you believe in that crap.

Palmer: You think I'd be here if I did? (He sees the urn.) Is that it?

Wesley: That's it. (They walk over to it and Wesley picks it up.) You see any scorpions around?

Palmer: No, just dollar signs. Let's go.

(A picture on the side of the urn glows and disappears. Clay comes up to them.)

Clay: Hey, man, there's a car coming. You guys must've tripped an alarm.

Wesley: Let's get outta here.

(Two guards come in. Clay, Wesley and Palmer hide behind some plants.)

Clay: Should've never let you guys talk me into this.

Wesley: Shut up. We'll split up and meet in San Francisco. Give the urn to your friend and hock it right away.

Palmer: Don't you think about ripping us off 'cause I'll find you.

(Clay leaves. Wesley starts walking away but stops when he sees magic dust floating in the air in front of him. The dust turns into a woman - the protector of the urn.)

Wesley: Whoa. What are you?

Guardian: I'm the guardian of the urn.

Wesley: The what? (She touches her ring and then Wesley's chest.) Hey, what are you doing?

(A spider appears and he starts yelling in pain and falls to the floor.)

Guardian: You are being punished for your greed. As for your friends...

[Scene: San Francisco - 3 days later. Manor. Piper ,Phoebe  and Philip are walking down the stairs.]

Piper: New York Clay? That Clay?

Phoebe: That's the one.

Philip: who this clay person ?

Piper:  Her Ex from New York(to Phoebe ) whom you clearly said you never wanted to see him again.

Phoebe: Ancient history.

Piper: Six months?

Phoebe: Five. (They reach the bottom of the stairs and Prue's standing there.)

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