Surprise chapter :Sneak Pic into S4

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Bounty Hunters 2suddenly materialize on either side of Cole and immediately fire lightning bolts at him. Cole dives, just barely avoiding the bolts, which blow up the altar.)

Leo: Go. Go.

Damien : Philip your dad !

(Philip grabs Victor looks on in disbelief. Cole rolls, comes up firing, vanquishing Bounty Hunter #2, but Bounty Hunter #3 appears. Before he can kill Cole, though, Phoebe runs up and knocks him to the ground with an expert martial arts move. She then hides behind a statue.)

Piper: Stop it. (Bounty Hunter #3 spins to fire at Phoebe, but Cole fires an energy ball at the Bounty Hunter, blowing him up in a shower of fiery sparks. Piper lets out an irritated, angry yell.) Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!! Damn it! This is Prue's funeral, for God's sake! Can't we at least bury her in peace?! Is that too much to ask?!

(She knocks over a vase of flowers. She then storms out in tears. Philip looks at Phoebe angrily

Philip : you're proud of yourself .

Phoebe : excuse me?!

Philip : you just had to bring him(points at Cole) to Prue's funeral!

Phoebe: how was I supposed to know they would come for Cole here .

Philip : your boyfriend is literally a traitor in the Underworld of course bounty hunters were going to be after him! This is Prue's funeral but because of you and your blinded love for him you just had to bring chaos here ! Our big sister never got a moments peace and you couldn't even let her have that in death Phoebe!

Phoebe : you know that's not fair Philip! 

Victor : Phoebe! Philip! Stop it

Philip rolls his eyes and storms off after Piper . Damien frowned , he had never seen the two siblings argue like this .

Halliwell manor. Philip is in Prue's room sitting on her bed. He begins to cry. 

Damien : I finally got Patty to fall asleep . She's with your dad(sees him crying)  Are you ok?

Philip : of course I'm not fine D. Prue's ...hurts you know. I was the one who was supposed to die. I remember it clearly . I died but then time reset itself  -

Damien : if you  had died , Patty would have lost you . She would have grown up not knowing her father just like you and Phoebe did growing up without your mom

Philip : she would still have had you , Phoebe , Piper and Prue! How I'm supposed to live knowing she died in my place. Prue has always been there for me and even now...Patty is never going to know just how awesome her aunt was.

Damien hugs tightly encouraging him to let out his emotions .

Scene. Everyone's in the attic , Damien is holding Patty in his arms she's fast asleep

Phoebe: What's going on?

Piper: I'm going to ask Grams what's going on, actually.

Phoebe& Philip : Grams?

Piper: Mm-hmm. Your destiny still awaits, she says. There's a reason for everything, she says. So, it's time to summon her transparent butt back here and find out exactly what that reason is.

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