The Truth is out there and It hurts

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The scene begins. Philip is in a graduation gown .  The sisters clap and cheer when he throws his cap in the air along with the other audience members.

Piper : the baby finally graduated high school

Prue : Grams would say

Piper , Phoebe and Phlip: about damn time.

Philip, : good bye high school. It was fan overdue ride . I can't wait to go to college , meeting new people , probably get initiated into a brotherhood , hanging out with my frat brothers and (he nods with a mischevious smile)  and occasionally partying with some hot  girls from sororities.

Piper : somebody has big plans  for college  (Prue on the other hand does not look amused)

Prue : Philip college is not about partying all the time .

Phoebe : trust her word on that baby brother (she pats his shoulder) Its more tiring and soul crushing than High school

Philip : please do not put a dark cloud on my sunny house .

Piper : look let's  take some photos and then we go out to  celebrate

(They four looked at the camera and smile.)

Scene: Movie theatre. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are waiting in line. Phoebe's holding a magic 8 ball while Philip looks bored out of his mind . The Halliwell brother is holding a huge blue cotton candy .

Philip : this was not what I was expecting for a after treat .  It's like this line isn't moving at all.

Piper : it's not that long. Hold on will you honey

Philip (sighs Dramatically): easier said than done

Phoebe: (Reading the 8 ball) "Ask again later." Hello, vague. How am I suppose to plan my future without a little direction?

Prue: You, who can see the future is now looking for a magic 8 ball.

Philip : yeah. Why are you doing that?

Phoebe: My visions don't help me remember.

Piper: I've got an idea. Why don't we ask if Prue and Andy will get back together.

Prue: Oh, Phoebe, please don't.

Philip : please do. At least some drama will take my mind off this  line

(Phoebe shakes up the 8 ball.)

Phoebe: Ooh... interesting.

Piper: Very.

(Piper's pager beeps. Prue tries to look at what the ball says but Phoebe shakes it up before she can see it.)

Philip : ha!

Prue: You are cruel.

Piper: I forget what a day off feels like. That was my boss, Martin. I have to get back to the restaurant.

Prue: You're kidding?

Philip : Pipes. You can be  serious. This is supposed to be the last part of my graduation treat.

Piper: I know honey. But there's a convention in town and business is just crazy.

Phoebe: But you worked a double shift yesterday and the day before that. He's working you to death, Piper.

THE HALLIWELL BROTHER(CHARMED OG)Where stories live. Discover now