Thank You For not Morphing

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Philip wondered what type of Powers he had . What was his witchy super power? Was it taking a while for them to kick in because he was a boy ?So far he had no problem casting spells or potion brewing.

Phoebe : hellooooo.  Earth to Philip Halliwell?

Philip: huh? Have you always been here. Why are you at Happy Smiles.

Phoebe was not surprised , Philip really had a talent for zoning out and day dreaming.  Grams always believed it was a habit he would not grow out of.

Phoebe : I've been here for the past ten minutes watching you  feed that gold fish .

Philip noticed the amount  flakes  in the water and decided to change the bowl putting the fish in a clean one.

Philip : sorry Millie my bad.

Phoebe: why were you zoning out?

Philip : I was thinking about Mikael Warren

Phoebe : what about him?

Philip : the book says he was unique . I wonder if he didn't display any power like me at first. There is nothing much on him.

He sighed and then registered her presence at his workplace. He doubted she came to adopt a little critter.

Philip : why are you here?

Phoebe : Prue called . She didn't say what she just ordered me to get you to meet her up.

Just then Damien walked in from the back. Phoebe eyed the blonde man from top to bottom.

Damien : Phil , I'm back with the suppl-

Philip: Damien . This is one of my sisters , Phoebe.

The blonde man feigned ignorance as he was officially introduced to one of the Charmed Ones aka the youngest sister.

Damien : one of your sisters  ?

Philip : I'm the only boy in a entire family of ladies. It is a hassle for me , three older sisters is something I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Damien smirked, there was not a single moment the Halliwell brother didn't amuse him . He  extended his hand to her.

Damien : Damien Rasmussen .  ' Charmed '  To Meet You.

Phoebe smiles : Phoebe Halliwell. Like this dummy  said , his big sister.

Philip : hey!

Damien : would you be interested in taking one of our little  fellas home.

Phoebe : no. We actually have a cat

Philip : yeah one that keeps disappearing and reappearing.

Damien : uh..ok.

Phoebe : can I borrow your employee? We need to catch up with our sisters.

Philip : is it ok if I bounce Damien .

Damien : sure. You can go with your sister. You already watched the place in my absence  you earned it.

Philip : thanks Damien. You're a super cool boss!!

The white lighter watched them leave wondering if it was urgent for one of the sisters to ask for Philip. The two siblings crossed the street .

Phoebe : he's a cutie .

Philip : who?

Phoebe : your boss.

Philip frowned and groaned knowing that look in her eyes it was her man hunt stare and when she got in that mode it was a little scary.

THE HALLIWELL BROTHER(CHARMED OG)Where stories live. Discover now