Wicca Envy

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[Scene: Manor.  Philip is in the foyer feeding Kit and reading the cat's thoughts as a conversation.]

Philip : Kit. Who is your favorite. Me , Prue, Piper and Phoebe (he strokes her fur)

Kit : I wouldn't say favorite but you're the hilarious.

Philip : I don't know whether to be glad or not

Prue and Phoebe  come in  carrying lots of shopping bags.]

Prue: I don't know Phoebe, the Betsey Johnson dress may be a bit too much for work.

Phoebe: That's what a new wardrobe's all about. Pushing the limit.

Prue: Yeah, and stretching the budget. Maybe I should just check with Piper.

Philip : you guys went shopping ?(looking through the bags)

Phoebe : Yup

Prue : what are you up to?

Philip : just practicing my power on Kit -

(They hear Piper laughing and then Piper and Leo run in the foyer. Piper sees them.)

Piper: Oh my God, Prue.

(She freezes Leo, trips over his leg and slides across the floor and stops at Prue and Phoebe's feet. They help her up.)

Piper: I'm so embarrassed.

Philip : no kidding .

Phoebe: Of course, she might have other things on her mind like having her way with the handyman.

Piper: I thought you guys were supposed to be shopping(glared at Philip) and you at work .

Prue: Obviously.

(Phoebe notices Piper's shirt unbuttoned.

Phoebe: Oh, look, front clasp bra. She means business.

Philip : my eye!(he covers both eyes with his hands)

Prue: Serious business.

Piper: Do you mind?

Philip : I do.

Phoebe: No, are you kidding? I think it's great.

Philip : yeah (he peeks one eye open ) if you and Leo are gonna get jiggy can you atleast give us a heads up

Phoebe : And as  long as he's not still on the clock.

Piper: That's what I mean. You guys have to get out of here before he unfreezes. I never know how long this thing lasts. (Piper sees all the shopping bags.) How much did you guys spend?

Phoebe: Lots. Prue's new look is perfect for an SHW.

Prue: SHW?

Phoebe: Single Hot Witch.

Philip : that's a thing

Phoebe (smiles ) : it is now .

Prue: Hmm.

Piper: Prue, are you sure this isn't depression buying, you know, post-breakup?

(Phoebe gets some red, sexy lingerie out of a bag.)

Phoebe: Does this look like something a depressed woman would wear?

Prue: (to Piper) Hmm, maybe you should borrow it.

Piper: Okay, time's up. You three gotta go. (She pushes them in the living room.) Go, go in there and be quiet.

Phoebe: We will if you will.

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