Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

The four steps I've come to learn is not what I expected. Especially from a guy like Hayes. There's no real order. It's all mixed together but divide into four simple steps.
1) Take risks.

I think it's crazy and can end up doing more damage than helping. But it also keeps life interesting. It helps keep my mind off of things and more on a certain person. I can't take that risk.

2)Follow your heart.

It can be a good thing or a totally bad thing. So far my heart isn't helping me. Just the opposite. It wants me to fall in love again. Why? I don't know. It's crazy. Boy crazy to be exact. Every second I spend with Hayes I fall for him even more. But my walls are still built up.

3)Dream big.

Yeah this one isn't too bad. I'm kinda ready to play again but I'm not quite there yet. Performing in front of an audience shouldn't be as scary as it sound but it makes my heart pounds unnaturally. Ironic isn't it? I love singing and playing instruments but I'm too scared to do it for an audience. Maybe if my family was here it would be different.

4) Break the rules.

As easy as it sounds, it's hard. I can't go around breaking the rules for fun. Teri could. Actually every teenager could but not me. The only time I broke the rules is when I snuck out to see Jason and when I got caught, I didn't have in me to do it again. I didn't want to do it again. To be honest, I was kinda a rebel when I was fifteen turning sixteen. It was exciting but after disappointing my parents I stopped.

"So tell me again why are we at Shawn's parents lake house?" I ask, stepping through the threshold.

"The beach is too crowd and we always come to the lake house." Teri tells me, dropping her suitcase.
It took four hours to get to the lake house. Four hours with Chris and his constant talking about everything he did. Gina didn't seem to mind but Daire and I did. Teri got lucky and rode with Shawn, Hayes and our suitcases.

The lake house is pretty amazing. It was big but not too big. Everything is on one floor.
The kitchen is the left, the living room is in the middle, leading the lake, and the four huge bedrooms are to the right.

"Where are we going to sleep?" Daire asks. "There's seven of us and four rooms."
"Forget about that" Chris says. "Why did you move the kitchen. It was closer the bedrooms."
"To make the rooms bigger." Shawn explains.
I think they moved the kitchen because of Chris. I learned he liked to eat a lot.
Shawn and Teri gets one room. Chris and Gina gets another room. Hayes gets his own room. That left me with Daire.
 "Who's up for a bonfire?" Gina asks, holding a bag of marshmallows.
I follow them the backyard where the bonfire is already set up. It actually looks like we're camping out in the woods and not in someone's backyard. We surround the fire and Teri passed out the bonfire sticks and marshmallows.
A smile crawls on my lips where I feel Hayes shoulders pressed against mine. I turn my head to look at him. His grey eyes burns with gold, his olive skin is flawless, he's muscles are relaxed, and his smile makes my heart skip a beat. A had a feeling I knew him from a different place.
"How burnt do you want your marshmollow to be?" Hayes voice brings me out of my trance.
I quickly pull out my marshmallow and scrunch my nose. It's beyond burnt. I pull the sticky black cloud off the stick and throw it behind me.
Hayes laughs. "Here you can have mine." He gives me his perfectly golden marshmallow.
Before I can say anything, Teri brings out a guitar. "It wouldn't be consider a bonfire without music."
I know what she's doing. She wants me to play a song.
"Who wants to play the first song?"
I turn my head, looking away from her and the instrument in her hands.
"I'll do it." Comes Daire's responds. Teri hands her the guitar and Daire begins to play a song that we all know.

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