Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Before we leave, I stop by the cemetery for one last goodbye. But I can't bring myself to step out the car. I can't bear seeing their names written on a stone. I'm still hoping it's a dream.

Teri, on the other hand, can bear it. She sheds some tears but nothing too serious. She place a flower on each of their graves. A rosey pink for Jen, a bloody red for David and a sky blue for Ryan. Each color represent them. Jen was full of love, David was confident and passionate and Ryan was carefree, letting the sky take him anywhere.

I blink rapidly to stop the tears from coming out. The clouds spreads open and the sunlight smiles from above, shining on their graves.

I look up to the skies. They had to know how I'm feeling. I need them here with me. Why? Is all I can ask.

Teri walks around the car and steps in. She wipes the tears from her checks.

"I'm gonna miss them, too." She says. "But they're always gonna be with us."

I know Teri is referring to them always being in our hearts but I took it another way. I know spirits sometimes linger. They don't want to leave. They don't want to cross over. But eventually they have to.

"Are you ready?" Teri asks, looking at me.

I nod. I'm ready to break down. I'm ready to let everything out. I'm ready to disappear. I know that's not the anwer she's looking for. She wants me to say I'm ready to let them go and to move on. "Yes."

Teri put the car in reverse and we slowly drive out the unforgotten cemetery.


Seconds past, then minutes, then hours. Unknown hours past by before we are on the outskirts of California. It's too dark to see anything but the headlights and tailights of the dozens cars in front or behind us.

I doze off every now and then, but I can't sleep. Teri's voices fades in and out and I can't concentrate on what she's saying. I'm too busy lost in my own thoughts.

Maybe that's why she won't let me drive. I'll get distracted too easily. We don't need another crash in the same month.

I rest my head against the cool window, thinking.

"Audrey!" Teri yells, making me slam my head on the window.

I sit up. "What?" I ask, rubbing the spot I hit.

She points up head. "Look. Do you see it?"

Oh I see it. "Yeah, Teri it's the moon."

I use to love the moon. I don't know why but I felt like I had a strong connection with it. It's bright and full of mysteries. I always was curious about the moon when I was a kid. I always asked my dad million of questions. Now, I hated it. I hated for all the memories it left behind.

Teri shakes her head. "Not that. Look beside it."

I shift my gaze to the left side of the moon. It's shining bright. Brighter than any star I seen. How did I miss that? It's falling. Rapidly. I guess there is such a thing called a falling star.

"Aw it's gone." Teri says, sadly. "Oh well" She shrugs. "That was a once in a lifetime thing. Pretty cool we saw it."

Gone? It's still falling. I'm still witnessing it. How is Teri not still seeing it?

Maybe I'm just seeing things. But something tells me I'm not. That's when I hear a low, raspy voice.

I'm coming for you, Boo.

I look at Teri. "Did you hear anything?"

"Nope" She says, moving to the up beat music.

Of course she didn't. She's the last person I should ask.

When I was younger, I had a hard time saying moon. I kept calling it boo. It became my childhood nickname. One I grew to tolerate.

I decide to forgot about what I heard. I blame it on the lack of sleep. It soon fades out my mind, quickly being forgotten.

It's not much longer when Teri pulls up into the parking lot. I'm to exhausted to grab anything but my suitcase. Teri does the same. She said we'll get the rest out tomorrow.

I agree, happily. I drag my feet up the flight of stairs. Teri unlocks the door and we step in.

Teri shows me the guest room. I don't bother to take my shoes off or to change into something more comfortable.

I collapse onto the bed and welcome sleep in. The last thing I hear is Teri snoring before I fall into a deep, dark, suffocating dream.

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