Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

His light eyes bores into mine, studying me. I bite my lower lip and look away. I can't look at him or I'll reveal everything. He places his long fingers under my chin and gently force me to look at him.

"Tell me." He says. His face softens under my gaze.

I close my eyes and exhale. Hayes came to the apartment and we started talking. One subject led to another. And he hit my soft part. One I don't like talking about.

Everyone knew I lost my family but they didn't know the details. Hayes wanted to know why my attitude suddenly changed.

His removes his hand when I open my eyes.

"You'll never get to met my family." I tell him, looking down. "It sucks cause I actually like you now." I joke. " And I know they would've like you too. Especially my dad."

He laughs without humor. "Your dad wouldn't like me."

I frown. Hayes isn't a good guy. I know that for a fact. He's rebellious. But he isn't a bad guy either. I feel safe with him and that's all my parents ever wanted.

"That's not what you're going to tell me. There's something else."

My attempt to distract him failed. He knows when I'm lying. Even after knowing him for a month and half. But it feels longer. I feel like I already knew him before I met him.

"I was thinking about the crash. " I admit. I look up at him. "Nothing is promised to you. I feel like Fate is testing me."

"Why's that?" He asks.

"To see how far it takes to finally break me."

He grabs my hand. "You're holding up. You're not breaking."

I let out a shakey breath. "You asked me before about the crash." I remind him. "I guess now it's the time to tell you."

I want to tell him because I'm too weak to go through it alone. I've been keeping it to myself but it's not helping. If anything, is making it worse.

I take a deep breath before beginning. Hayes eyes never wavered from me.

"It was a normal Sunday and I was playing with Ryan in the water when Mom told us we needed to pack. I wasn't ready to leave. Those three days we spent at the beach house, were the best. And I didn't want to leave because I knew if we left that means Dad was going to go on his business trip and I didn't want that."

I look down at my hands. "I wonder if I haven't been so selfish, they would still be here. They would still be with me."

"It's not your fault" Hayes tells me. "It was an accident."

Now it's my turn to laugh without humor. I had a hard time believing that. It didn't feel like an accident.

"Ryan and I got out the water and went to pack." I continue. " After we got done, Dad wanted to take a picture of us. Little did I know that would be the last picture we would take together"

Tears threatens to spill out and I will them back in.

"You don't have to talk about it." Hayes says.
I shake my head. "No. If I don't talk about it then I never will."

He nods once, and I grip his hand as if it he separated my reality from my nightmare.

I continue again. "We were driving back to Dallas in the rain and Ryan and Mom were sleeping. They never saw it coming. No one did. I was too busy looking out the window and listening to music to pay attention."

That's my main reason I stopped playing music. It distracted me so easily but I couldn't help it. It's felt like it was a part of me. It came so naturally.

"It's scary how your world can go upside down in a split second. I turn my head at the last second and even through the rain I could make out an outline of a dark shadow standing in the road but it was replaced by a deer."

Hayes frowns at the part. He doesn't believe me either.

"You think I was hallucinating too, don't you?"

The doctors did. They thought I just believed that I saw something. But I know I didn't. I saw it for a second. That was something you couldn't make up no matter how hard it was to believe it. They also thought I impacted hard against the window making it most likely to see things that weren't there.

He shakes his head. "I believe you. What happened next."

"Dad tried to advoid the deer but the road was wet and the car started spinning, rapidly. Then, before I knew it, the car began to roll. It happened so fast. Mom went straight through the window and so did Ryan and I. I landed in a ditch near by. I faded in and out of conciousness. But I could see feel everything. I could still hear everything. Dad was still in the car when and through the pounding rain I heard an oncoming pick up truck slammed into our car. Before I blacked out, I heard a voice."

That voice still haunts me every night. I know I didn't make it up no matter if I was half awake. I heard it clearly as if he was standing beside me. His voice gave me chills and made my blood run cold.

Hayes raises one of his dark eyebrows. "What did it say?"

"He said " I stop, trying to remember exactly what he said. "Tell Ramadi we found her."

My eyes trace Hayes emotionless face. He's deadly still. I frown a little, confused. But before I can say anything, Hayes is out of his seat and scanning the living room, looking for something.

I get up and touch his tensed shoulder. "What's wrong?"

He glances at me. "Nothing. I'll see you later, okay?"

He leaves before I can respond back. I stand there completely and utterly lost.


The young man straightened up when he sees Abe. He wears a worried expression on his face. Of course he's worried about Millian. He's worried about both of them. But he doesn't need to. He keeps taps on them. He's always one step a head of his enemies.

"I'm taking her with me, tonight" Is the first thing Abe tells the man. "Ramadi cannot get Millian."

The man stays calm. "If you take her now, Ramadi will get her. She needs to stay with me."

"He knows where she is!" Abe points out, frustrated. "He's watching her every movement."

"Exactly." The man says. "Let him watch her. If she goes with you, everything will be blown."

"That doesn't make any sense. Millian is coming with me."

"No she's not. She's staying with me. So far, Ramadi's men are just watching her. They haven't made a move. I don't think they are."

"Why?" Abe asks.

"Ramadi needs both of them in order to fulfil his plans. That's why she needs to stay with me. If she goes with you, she'll lead Ramadi straight to Lillian."

Abe knows the man is right but he couldn't shake the feeling of Ramadi knowing where she is. He wanted them safe and with him. But he nods his head to the young protector. He knows what he's doing. He will protect her at all cost. That's one reason why he chose him to be her guardian.

"Abe, don't worry. Ramadi will not hurt her. Not unless he has a death wish. Trust me."

Abe trust him. He knew him for a long time. He gained his trust that night he was willing to died. That night that seems so long ago. That night that changed everything.

He let the subject drop and present the man with new information. "Reidese told me that Ramadi's men aren't watching them. He thinks it has something to do with Lillian's power."

The man nods his head. "I talked to Reid a few days ago. It makes sense if Ramadi isn't watching Lillian. Millian is the powerful one." He explains.

"But Lillian is quite helpful. Especially if he wants to find out if his plan will work out."

"Yeah but he'll need both of them before he can accomplish his goal." The man says. "That's why he's only watching Millian."

"It still isn't making any sense." Abe says. "Ramadi can go after them any time he wants. Why is he waiting?"

The man shrugs. "You're guess is good as mine."

The question still lingers in the air. Why is he waiting? He found Millian. Why didn't he take her the first chance he had?

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