Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

After we stayed in for a whole day, we we're back out into the world. As much as I wanted, needed, to stay in, I missed the people I could call friends now. We didn't go to Skyline tonight like I expected to go but to a different place. We went to Manafest. It's a live entertainment place. There isn't a lot of people here. Maybe around thirty people, out of the whole city of LA, are here.
Since it's a Friday night, it's open mic. Anyone can go up there and there were a lot of them who went on the stage. They were fun to watch. Some sang, others danced and made jokes. It's whatever you want to do.
I clap for the guy and girl who sang a love song. They bow and head off the stage. They were really good.
Another guy around my age walks onto the stage and cue the DJ. A mix between hip hop and R&B plays as the guy does a dub step. The way he moves his body is amazing but freaky at the same time.
He's a good dancer. I wouldn't have be able to move my limbs like that.
"That was awesome" Chris says for everyone in our group.
"It was but how can you do that?" Teri asks. "It looks unnatural."
Chris starts explaining how you have to be flexible and all that to be able to pull it off.
Hayes isn't talking to me. He hasn't said one word to me since we got here. I want to ask him what's wrong but he's sitting on the other end of the table, talking to Daire.
I try not to let it get to me and have fun tonight but I'm failing. Curiosity is burning within me. Why is he talking to Daire?
He's still friends with her. I tell myself. Just because I don't like her doesn't mean he has to stop talking to her.
I pry my eyes off him and tune into the conversation.
Chris is explaining to Teri and Shawn how he got into his first fight. Gina is rolling her eyes.
"That's not what happened" She says, interrupting Chris.
"Yes it is." He defends himself. "How would you know you weren't even there."
"Because I know you, Chris."She tells him. "You don't fight."
They start arguing and Gina finally wins. I don't know how they become a couple in the first place. They argue a lot.
"Who picked this place?" I ask Teri. It doesn't seem like a place they would come to on a Friday night.
"Hayes" She tells me. "He said something about it being quiet and a nice getaway from the loud music. I agree with him. It's nice."
Hayes picked this place? Why? He seemed like the type to party not the type to turn down a crazy night.
Before I can respond back, the manager walks onto the stage, demanding everyone's attention.
"Listen up" He says. "Our next performer is on the shy side so can we show her some love!"
Everyone starts clapping and whistling and cheering for the unknown girl. I was clapping but froze when the stage lands on me.
"Everyone give it up for Audrey!"
My eyes widen then I scan my table. One of them set me up. Did they all plan this? I land on Teri. She looks innocent but I don't rule her out.
"No-" I start but gets cut off.
"She's scared." The manager, Rick, says. "Don and Scott bring her on the stage."
The two older guys grabs my arms and even though I protest and they had to drag me onto the stage, I still find myself with a mic in my hand. And let me tell you being in the audience is way different than standing in front of one.
"Um, hey" I say, nervously.
This is the first time I've been on a stage. The only ones I use to sing to was my family and...Hayes.
The four steps. He planned this. I told him about my dream of singing on a stage and he's fulfilling it. I don't have to sing but I'm already on the stage and everyone has their eyes on me.
"I didn't know I was singing tonight" I tell them, my eyes staring, no glaring, at Hayes. He's smirking. "So bare with me."
You can do this, Audrey. I tell myself. It's not even a big crowd.
They have a drummer and a pianist. I grab the electric guitar and walk over to the drummer.
"Can you give me a hard core beat?" I ask. "I'll follow your lead."
"I got you babe." He tells me.
I look at the pianist. "I need something soft. I'm going start off acapalla but you'll know when to come in. Don't over think it, just trust in yourself"
They nod their heads and I walk to the front of the stage. I grab the mic and the room becomes dead silent.
I start off quiet but not because I'm nervous.

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