Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

I haven't been able to connect with Aliyah after our last encounter. I bet it has something to do with what she was trying to tell me. It's been a couple of days and I feel like she found something about Abe or the poem. I haven't been able to come up with anything. My only chance is with that song but we had to be together in order to reveal the scene. The twin girls haven't visit me in my dreams and I guess they helped us enough to figure out all the missing pieces on our own.

A hand waves in front of my face and I blink my eyes, twice before I can see Hayes squatting down.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks, curious. "You've been out of it since we got here."

Hayes took me the beach and he found a remote part so we can be alone together. We've been here for some hours and I keep tuning him out. Not intentionally. My mind just keeps thinking about all the missing pieces.

I shake my head. "Nothing. Just daydreaming."

I wonder what he would say if I told him about what I learn? He knew a lot about what happened. He could help me. But something tells me it something I have to do on my own. It's hard not to throw everything I have on him and not demand for anwsers but I'm managing it.

Hayes smirks. "Thinking about me"

I roll my eyes. "Not everything I do revolves around you"

"I know" He says. "I'm barely getting your attention"

I know he's teasing me but he's right. I haven't been giving him my full attention and he doesn't deserve that. This is the only time we spend together by ourselves since I spend the night at his house and I'm wasting every second of it. I push my problems out of my mind and focus on Hayes.

I study his unnaturally dark hair and how it's long at the top, and cut short in the back. My eyes lowers down to his amazing grey eyes. I could stare at them all day and never get bored. They hold so many emotions in them. His lips are very soft and plump and feels incredible against mine. His long lean body can give any girl a heart attack. I'm lucky to be able to see him shirtless any time I wanted. The things I can do to it. Why I am spending my timed worrying about other things when I have this sexy guy standing in front of me?

"You're right" I agree. "I should change that"

He cocks an eyebrow up. "Should?"

I grin. "I will change that." I correct myself.

"Sounds better." He says. "How do you plan on changing it?"

There's a lot of things I could do. Things that would surprise him. Things I can get in trouble for. Things that would feel amazing.
"I have a few things in mind."

"Like what?" He challenges.

I place my hands on his shoulders and knock him down onto his back. I climb on top of him and bend down to place a smoking hot kiss on his lips.

He responds as fiercefully back. His hands grips my hips and runs his tongue across my lower lip. I open my mouth a little and allowed him to explore. Our tongue has an intense war and in the end he dominated me.

I lean up and smile at him. "Am I close to begin forgiven?"

"Close" He tells me. "Maybe if you took your shirt off it'll be different."

Hayes was joking but something tells me he also wasn't. I knew Hayes wasn't a virgin. Far from it. Girls did things to him and he returned the favor. The thought of Hayes with another girl, with Daire, uneased my stomach. He's a player. No doubt about it. Teri told me he never really had a real relationship, a few flings here and there but nothing serious. Even hearing all these things about Hayes I still fell for him.

He made me feel things I never felt with Jason, my ex boyfriend. Things I wouldn't ever feel with any else. That thought scared me. Who knows how long we would last. He could move on and leave me heart broken again. If I'm having so much doubts, we should just break up but I can't bring myself to do it.

There's something about him that keeps reeling me in. He calls it irresistible, I call it unearthly. Everything about Hayes is unearthly.

"You're doing it again." Hayes' voice brings me out of my thoughts. "Do you want to talk about something? Your family? Singing? Dreams?" He suggests, sitting up so we're eye level.

As much as I want to talk about all three of them, I shake my head no. "I want to talk about us"

"Us?" He asks. "Or me?"

I bit my bottom lip and turn away from his gaze. I want to talk about us but it's mainly about him and his past.

"What do you want to know?" He asks. "Daire and I?" He guesses. "I figure Teri would've told you but I guess you're still not convinced that we're over."

My head whips back to his. "Of course I'm not convinced! Have you not noticed the way she looks at you every time you're in the room?"

He shakes he head no. "Not really. I told you my eyes on you and nothing else. Forget about Daire. She means nothing to me. She's just a clingy girl. I wouldn't worry about her." He tells me.

"Okay I will." I promise. "But what about us? Is this a fling to you?"

Something burns in his eyes at that question. "Are you seriously asking that?"

I nod my head. "I want to know before I fall any deeper."

He grabs my hand and holds it against his chest.

"What I feel for you is nothing compared to what I felt with any other girl." He says, looking into my eyes. "You make me feel emotions I never could imagine. What I'm feeling for you is real."

I stare deeply into his eyes and I find no trace of deceiving lies, just truth. He meant every word he said. He continues on with more convincing words. But he doesn't have to. I believe him.

"You're more fun to tease and I like everything about you. Every inch of you. You have more to offer than Daire could ever. You think you're lucky to have me but, in all realities, I am."

I don't say anything. I don't need to. My every worries fades away and I forget about his past, about Daire, and live in the moment. Nothing else matter just me and him and our passionate, flamey hot, breathless kiss.

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