Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

My screams are muffled by the hand clamped over my mouth. The person who's holding me doesn't have a strong grip on me and I can easily escape if I wasn't paralyzed by fear.

"Calm down, Audrey" The person tells me. "It's me"

She lets me go and I spin around to stare at a girl with straight dark hair and hazel eyes. A girl who looks just like me.

"Aliyah?" I say. "What are you doing here?"

"It's a long story." She says. "We've gotta move or they'll see us."

I follow her around to the other side of the sunken side and we squat down so we're level with the ground but still hidden by the low tree branches.

"Care to explain how you find me?" I ask.

"Actually I didn't even know you lived here." She tells me, keeping her eyes on the shore. "I got offered a chance to see the art museums here." She shrugs. "My teacher thought it could help inspire me to create my own."

"You're by yourself?"

She shakes her head. "No. I come with five others. One of them is my best friend and he wanted us to come to this concert." She explains. "But then he decided to sneak out and I followed him"

"My boyfriend snuck out too." I tell her. "He said he had something to do."

"There he is!" Aliyah says, pointing to the shore. "Who's the lad he's with?"

I follow her glaze and they landed on Hayes. Why is he talking to a feign guy?

"That's my boyfriend."

"That's your boyfriend?" Aliyah repeats.

"Why is he talking to Reid for?"

"Reid? Hayes mentioned his named before. How do they know each other?"

She shrugs. "I don't know. But listen."

We were close enough to hear them but not close enough to blow our cover.

"What if they run into each other?" Reid asks.

"There's a lot of people in there. I doubt they'll see each other." Hayes tells him.

Aliyah and I look at each other. Too late for that.

"Abe isn't going to like that they're on the same continent, much less the same state." Reid says.

"Abe?" I glance at Aliyah. She heard it too. "How do they know Abe?"

"I don't know. It could be a different Abe" Aliyah suggests.

It doesn't seem likely. They knew who Abe was. They knew everything about our missing life. They knew the seer and siren.

"Do you think they're meeting up with Abe?" Aliyah asks.

"Maybe." I say. "It's getting hard to hear them"

I lean over the edge a little but it was too much and I fall over but not before pulling Aliyah down with me. We tumble down the hill and landed on the ground with a loud thud.

"What was that?" Hayes asks, looking in our direction.

"Way to go, Audrey" Aliyah says, sarcastically. "Now they're coming."

"Well if they're coming we might as well take our chances running away"

"No. Then they really will know we're here. Let them think it was an animal or something." Aliyah says.

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