Chapter Six

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Picture of Hayes ^^^^

Chapter Six

The following days blurs by me in a haze. I stare at the fading bruise on my wrist. His fingerprint wraps around my wrist. The purple-ish color is still there but it's slowly disappearing unlike the bruise I have on my face.

Teri appears at my door, dressed for the day. "Are you coming?"

I really don't want to go but I don't want to stay inside all day, doing nothing. "Where are you going?"

She smiles. "Ghost Riders"

Ghost Riders? The name doesn't sound very appealing. No it sounds like a place where it can turn violence in a heart beat.

My eyebrows furrows together. "Why are we going there?"

Teri rolls her eyes. "You ask too many questions, just come on." She gesture for me to follow her.

I side my feet into my vans and follow her out the door. She's talking but I tune her out, getting lost into my own little world.

What seems like hours but mere minutes, we arrive downtown of LA. And let me tell you, this place is somewhere you wouldn't want to be alone.

I stay close by Teri, fearing that something is going to happen. How did Teri find this place?

I keep glancing over my shoulder, debating if I should just leave and come back for Teri later. I decide against it. I can't leave Teri by herself.

"So tell me again why are we here?" I ask as we walk into Ghost Riders.

"I'm getting my tattoo." She says." You should get one too."

I scrunch my nose up. Me and needles don't get along very well. And beside, my parents wouldn't approve. Well I guess that doesn't count since they're not here.

"I'm good." I tell her.

She shrugs. "Suit yourself. Chase! She yells, standing in front of the counter.

There is no use for the old bell sitting on top of counter, waiting to be rung, when Teri has her voice.

I stay near the door, preparing to bolt through it if anything is to happen.

A guy with dirty shaggy blond hair, sea blue eyes, and fair skin, walks in from the room behind the counter. He grins when he sees Teri.

"Oh you actually came back." He says.

Teri rolls her eyes. "Yeah. I told you I was."

"What can I do for you?"

"I need you to fix my angel wings." She says then says a little bit louder. "Since Dean fucked it up."

There's a light chuckle from the other side of the room. Dean, I'm assuming, is working on another girl's tattoo on her pale foot.

"I can do it for you if you want." A new voice asks, coming to the front of Ghost Riders.

He has dark hair, grey eyes, and a long lean body that is covered by his olive skin.

"Hayes!" Teri says, cheerfully. "Yes can you do it, no offense Chase."

Chase doesn't look offended. He just shrugs and heads back to where he came from.

Hayes shifts his eyes and our eyes meets. I look away but I look again and he's still staring.

"Who's she?" He ask, nodding his head in my direction.

Teri glance at me. "Oh that's Audrey, my cousin. Audrey this is Hayes, my reckless friend."

I can feel Hayes staring at me. Wait, no not at me, but at the bruise on my face. I move my hair to cover it.

There's shouting in the back room. They're agruing about a tattoo that went wrong.

"Is Daire back there?" Teri asks.

Hayes nods. "Yeah. I just finished her rose tattoo."

Teri smirks. "Where did she get it?"

Hayes' lips twitches. "I rather not say."

Teri laughs. "That's Daire for you."

"You know you don't have to stand there, Boo." Hayes informs me. "We won't hurt you."

Boo? How did he know my nickname. I groan. Teri must've told him.

"I'm fine right here." I tell him.

He grins. "Okay." He walks away, dragging Teri with him. "But I wouldn't stand there. That's where the bullets come through." He throws over his shoulder.

I flinch and scurry away from the death door. I hear a dark laughter follow by an "Ow! What the hell was that for."

I sit on one of the beaten up chairs, watching everything. Time slowly crept up on me.

I'm tempted to fall asleep in the cold room but I'm surrounded by men who could or could not be in a gang. Maybe I'm being paranoid but at the moment I have an eerie feeling someone is watching me. But when I look up, no one is watching me. No one paid me no attention, whatsoever.

I'm glad when Teri finally emerge from the backroom. Hayes is right behind her with a girl with dyed red hair. Daire.

"Audrey?" Teri asks. "Do you wanna go with us to a concert? It's suppose to be amazing."

I place my finger on my chin, thinking.

"Hmm. Stay at home or risk getting punch again." I pause. "I don't know about you, but the formal sounds pretty good."

"You got punched?" Daire asks with widen green eyes.

I nod.

"Audrey please come with me." Teri begs.

"Teri I-" I'm cut off by Hayes.

"I'll make sure nothing happens to you."

The way he said it makes me feel safe and secure in the very next second. Did he have this affect on everyone or just me?

Teri claps. "It's official.We're going to the concert tonight."

I dread nothing more than the up coming night. I have a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that something is going to happen

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