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Let's not talk about whether Wang Dabao really wanted to kill someone. Even if Wang Dabao really did something bad, is it really okay for Lu Yan to expose the matter without caring about it?

Grandpa Wang is over 70 years old this year. If he knew that Lu Yan sent his precious grandson to prison, wouldn't the old man come to his house and fight with Lu Yan?

That's Grandpa Wang, the village chief when their Houling Village was built. How could Lu Yan easily offend such a respected old man?

In addition to Grandpa Wang, there is also Widow Chen. She is also not easy to mess with.

In addition to the troublesome Wang family, the reputation of their village is also very important.

If Wang Dabao's incident gets out of hand, their village will be known as a village that raises murderers. How can there be no bright future?

Their village is already a well-known poor village nearby. If the reputation gets worse, how can the girls in their village get married? How can the boys get married?

Each of these things is very deadly. The more Lu Jiabao thinks about it, the more frightened he becomes.

Did Lu Yan become stupid in the army? Lu Jiabao thought very rebelliously.

Even if what happened today is true, it is only suitable to be solved privately, not to make a big fuss.

If it really gets out of hand, not only their village and the Wang family, but also the Chen family will not be able to get away with it. The Chen family was not well-received by the villagers. If Chen Pan ruined the reputation of their village, how could the Chen family stay in Houling Village?

Lu Jiabao was worried and ran home at full speed.

Lu Jiabao respected Lu Yan since he was a child. He was not good at persuading him, nor did he dare to confront Lu Yan. Now he could only hope that his father Lu Youcai would stop Lu Yan.

Lu Jiabao ran very fast, and Lu Yan and Wang Dabao were not slow either. Lu Jiabao was smart, and Lu Yan was certainly not stupid.

Lu Yan had thought of everything that Lu Jiabao could think of.

But unlike Lu Jiabao who intended to ignore Chen Pan's harm and keep things quiet, Lu Yan just wanted to make a big deal out of it and give a wake-up call to all Wang Dabao and his ilk.

This world should be black and white.

If you do something wrong, you should correct it in time. Instead of making more and bigger mistakes to cover up this one mistake.

Today Wang Dabao dared to insult Chen Pan so much because he was not punished when he bullied Chen Pan before. That's why he grew up with courage.

What Lu Yan wanted to do was to scare Wang Dabao and his ilk out of their courage that was grown up by this absurd incident, so that they would know that there is still justice in this world. They would not dare to do anything wrong again.

Houling Village is not afraid of a temporary bad reputation, but the young people in their village are fundamentally bad. If the young people in their village are like Wang Dabao in the future, then their village is really doomed.

Knowing that Lu Jiabao will definitely go to ask for help after returning home, Lu Yan urged Wang Dabao to speed up, take shortcuts, take small roads, and speed up to Daling Town.

When Lu Jiabao wasted a lot of saliva and finally persuaded Lu Youcai to chase out on his car, it was too late. Lu Youcai and his men didn't even see a hair of Lu Yan.

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