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The backpack was full, and they couldn't get any more bamboo shoots. Chen Pan and the other two decided to go home first.

Anyway, this place was not far from home. They could go back, put the things at home, and then go out again with an empty backpack. It didn't take any time at all.

They had harvested so much in such a short time. Chen Pan and the other two were in a good mood.

"It seems that Tongsan Island is rich in products, and it is really worthy of its reputation. We have come to such a good place."

"Yes, there are so many fruit trees here. This is the first time I have seen so many fruits since I was a child."

Today's harvest was quite rich, and Wu Lanni walked with joy. If the basket she was carrying wasn't too heavy, Wu Lanni felt that she could jump up right now.

There are so many treasures in this ordinary woods, wouldn't it be more joyful to catch them?

After imagining the beautiful scene of the coast full of fish and food, Wu Lanni smiled happily.

"Thanks to Chen Pan today, otherwise she knows more, we wouldn't be able to find these good things. It seems that we have to study more in the future. We can't let the children abandon their studies just because we settled on a deserted island."

"Yes, yes, yes! We really need to study more."

Sun Xiao's words woke Wu Lanni up from her happy fantasy. If it weren't for Chen Pan today, she wouldn't be able to find these delicious foods.

Sun Xiao never knew that studying could be so useful. If you study well, you can take the imperial examination and bring honor to your family. That was a long time ago. In recent years, primary schools in many places have been suspended. Sun Xiao has never been to school, so she naturally thinks that it doesn't matter whether she goes to school or not.

In fact, if she doesn't go to school, she can save tuition fees and leave her children at home to help her with work. It seems better than going to school.

But today, Chen Pan made Wu Lanni see the power of knowledge.

It turns out that studying is not useless. It turns out that people who don't study are sometimes really blind.

After experiencing what blindness is, Wu Lanni decided to let her children learn from Chen Pan in the future. Wu Lanni doesn't ask for her children to be successful. She just hopes that when they go to strange places in the future, they can be as calm as Chen Pan today.

Sun Xiao and Wu Lanni talked about the education of children with a sympathetic heart. Chen Pan doesn't have a child yet, so she doesn't have much say. But she will soon be responsible for the settlement of military families, so Chen Pan can occasionally interject and express her views.

"In the future, when there are more children on the island, we can let Lu Yan build a school for the children. As for teachers, we can choose from military wives. If there are not enough military wives, we can recruit from outside."

"Our Tongsan Island is not as bad as outsiders say. As long as we work hard to build it well and then publicize its goodness, I believe that many people will sign up when we recruit people on our island."

Building a school is something that Wu Lanni and her friends have never thought about. The residential area of ​​Tongsan Island has not been built yet, how can they think of such a far place?

However, Chen Pan is Lu Yan's daughter-in-law. Her words are not aimless. Therefore, although there is still no school on Tongsan Island now. Wu Lanni and her friends still start to be happy in advance.

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