Chapter One

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WARNING! This fanfiction makes absolutely no sense... And I know it doesn't. There is no plot development and it literally makes no sense whatsoever for the first like 5-6 chapters. I know it's flaws and I would really appreciate it if y'all didn't comment telling me that it didn't make sense. I am planning on completely re writing this in the distant future, but as of now it will stay like the shit it is. I'm sorry if this seems a little rude, but I still love every single of you that read this. I wrote this more than a year ago and never expected it to get this popular so thank you so fucking much.

"Bye Gin... see you when I get home!" I was running late making a lazy attempt to flatten my raven hair.

"Bye love!" She walked toward me from our kitchen. She had flour all over her hands and pajamas. Pressing herself against me, she placed her skinny lips to mine slowly.

"Hmm...any more of that and I will be really late for work." She smiled and I started to head to head to the fireplace. "I love you Ginny! MINISTRY OF MAGIC!!" I dropped the floo powder on my head and was sucked into the vortex. I arrived at the ministry and began my long walk down the dark corridor to the elevator. After my long ascent I arrived at my auror office. I settled into my desk and began to wait for a call of sitings of death eaters and other criminals. Even after Voldemort's death many of the death eaters continued to practice their evil ways. It was part of my job to capture, convict them of their crimes and send them to Azkaban.

"Hey Harry!" Ron said as he sat in the chair next to mine.

"Hey... How is Hermione?" I asked.

"She's okay. A little sick this morning but other than that she is doing great."

"When will you guys know the gender?" Hermione was pregnant with their first baby. While Ron worked with me Hermione worked in the office below us as a lawyer.

"We are scheduled for one of those scan things tomorrow. I still don't get why she couldn't just go to St. Mungos. She just had to go to one of those muggle healers."

"That's good Ron."

"Yeah, anything interesting yet?"

"Nope." I said with a sigh. We spent the next hours sitting together barely talking and working on paperwork waiting for a call.


"I'm going to take a walk. I will back soon." I said getting up from my chair stretching my arms and grabbing my coat. I walked out of the office and started down the crowded hallway. I turned down a corridor that was empty and stopped leaning against the wall and shutting my eyes. My back aches from sitting in a non moving position for so long. I slid down the wall until I hit the floor resting my arm on my bent knee. My eyes still closed I began to drift off into space dreaming of the time when I got to go home when I heard a familiar voice.


Authors note:
I know that probably nobody will read this but just in case somebody does... I hope you like this. It is my first real writing thingy. But I am kind of a flake so If you really like it, comment and I will continue!!

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