Chapter Seventeen

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I held my baby in my hands. She was beautiful. Already she has the wispy ginger hairs just like Ginny but my emerald green eyes. She was tiny but I knew that she would live.

By the time they had woken me up they had already taken Ginny's body away. They didn't let me see her and say goodbye. The tears continued to sweep down my cheeks. Both from sadness and happiness. I knew that eventually had to call Ron and Molly. Molly was going to take it hard especially after losing a Fred just two years ago.

"Harry..." I didn't recognize the voice but turned my head seeing the platinum blonde and Mercury eyes of none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Draco?" I was kind of stunned that he came.

"How are you feeling?" He asked sitting down next to me and looking at my baby.

"How did you feel?"

"Terrible. The tears wouldn't stop."

"That's one thing we will have in common now."

"We have so much in common. I just don't think you see it." His voice cracked and he turned away from me. He sounded so desperate. "What is her name?"

"Lily Luna Potter."

"She is beautiful. Looks just like her mom."

"I know I was hoping she would."

"Can I hold her?" He asked stretching out his arms. I didn't really want to let her go but I knew that as soon as she woke up and started screaming because she was hungry that I would want to have someone help me.

"Of course. I should probably go call Ron any way." He looked at me with sincerity in his eyes and then reverted them back down to Lily. He began cooing to her softly.


"Hey Ron." I said beginning to cry again.

"What's wrong?"

"Ginny." I said taking a deep breath. "Uh. Ginny went into labor yesterday."

"Is she okay?"

"No Ron. No she's not. She d-died right in front of me Ron. I tried so hard. There was nothing I could have done." I sobbed quietly into the phone. "I am so sorry." He was silent. For minutes even, we stayed on the line just silent.

"Okay Harry it's okay. What about the baby is he okay?"

"It's a girl. She's okay.  A little tiny but she'll make it. He name is Lily."

"Okay. That's good. Harry it will be okay. Don't worry about my mom I will call her."

"Thank you Ron."

"Bye Harry." He hung up first and I sank to the floor resting my head on the wall behind me. After a few minutes I got up and went back to the room. Draco was still sitting there holding Lily, rocking her back and forth singing to her. I sat down in the chair next to him and watched him. The feeling can back. The butterflies and the floppy stomach. No Harry. You can't. He looked up at me maybe just realizing for the first time that I was there. His face got red.

"Did you know that right now I am trying desperately to resist the urge to kiss you?" He said his eyes flickering from me down to the baby.

"No I didn't."

"Can I stop?"

"Yes you may." I turned my body and he matched his lips to mine pulling me closer. I cupped my hand to his cheekbones and wrapped my fingers in the nape of his neck. We moved together perfectly. I felt weightless. I pulled away and took Lily from his lap.

"I think I still love you Harry."

Oh shiznitz. What has he done? I think it's a good thing for us Drarry shippers. Tell me what you think. Please comment!! Thank you. I hope you enjoy this "early" update. Please please please comment.

Keep calm & drarry on!


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