Chapter Nineteen

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Lily got bigger and I adjusted to being by myself. Too soon it was time for me to go back to Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall said I could bring her and when it was time to board the train the attention I got from the little girl was insane. Girls from all years flocked to me handing her little trinkets and toys that amazed her. In all the drama of the past weeks I had completely forgotten about Christmas and immediately felt bad, her first Christmas. And a matter of fact her first Christmas without her mother. I played with her fingers and talked to her quietly.

"You are going to have so much fun with madam Pomfrey while daddy is teaching   She will take good care of you and teach you tons of good stuff while your daddy is teaching the big boys and girls about bad guys." I talked to her softly. I had finally found a quiet compartment all too myself.

"You are so cute when you baby talk." Draco said breaking my one sided conversation.

"Thank you." I said annoyed. He sat down next to me and looked at Lily.

"You know I am here for you all the time."

"Thank you Draco I really appreciate it."

"Would you like to go out with me? Not like a date or anything just you and me. So we can just talk."

"Sure Draco."

"Okay." We sat in silence for a while. Then I broke it.

"It's almost like there is an elephant sitting on my throat. I don't know quite how to put it. I almost expect to go home and see her smile again. To hear her laugh. That I won't be the only parent at her wedding. You know. I'm going to have to do all those things that Ginny would have done." I said, the tears started flowing freely down my cheeks. "I have done so fucking much Draco. And I can't even be at peace for my child." I whispered turning my head to look at him.

"I know what it feels like." He said moving his thumb across my cheekbone. "I think I still love you Harry."

"Draco please."

"No Harry! I waited for you. I gave you time when you first married Ginny. I watched while you were glorified for killing V-Voldemort. And then that night when we met again. I realized that all this time has passed, but nothing has changed. I gave you your chance so please give me mine."

"I don't know Drake."

"Please." He was pleading now and I gave in.

"Okay. How does tomorrow sound?"


"Tomorrow at the astronomy tower. After dinner."

"Okay." He said a huge grin spread across his face. "Tomorrow."

Okay so ginny. I think she will be gone. *Small cheer* sorry for anyone that actually likes her. DRARRY BEGINS!!

Thank you guys for all the reads and votes and comments. I love all of you!!!

Keep calm&drarry on!


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