Chapter Three

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The day dragged on with nothing of remote interest. I was counting down the hours until I could get out and meet Malfoy. Four o'clock... 4:05...4:15... God when will this day end. Why was I even excited to meet him? Our days have long since ceased. We agreed that after sixth year we could no longer be involved.

"Alright boys...days up!" Our head of department stated picking up his jacket, racing out the door. I followed suit and continued back to the place where I promised to meet Draco.

"There you are Scarhead. I began to think you blew me off." Draco said moving toward me.

"I couldn't do that to you Malfoy." I paused and closed the space between us leaving about a foot of space. "I will call Ginny and tell her that I have to work late so we can go eat."

"Umm... okay. I have to make a stop though."

"Alright. Lead the way." We maneuvered our way through the throngs of ministry workers. Until we were standing on the streets of London. "Okay where are we going Malfoy?"

"This way." he pointed to his left and we walked stopping in front of a small building. We walked in and cheerful paintings of animals, letters and picture book scenes were depicted on the walls. "I am here to pick up Scorpius Malfoy please." He stated happily.

"Yes sir. One moment." He turned on his heels and looked at me.

"Don't look so surprised Potter. A lot has changed since seventh year."

"No. It's just that I didn't expect you to have a kid." I said. A little boy who looked just about one came out of the room resting on the front desk ladies hip. He had the same white blonde hair and Mercury eyes as Draco.

"Thank you Linda." He said picking the boy up from the girl. "Say Hi to Harry Potter, Scorpius." The boy murmured some kind of acknowledgement and then turned back to Draco. "Okay. Where are we headed to?"

"There is this really good fish and chip place down the street if you would like."

"That sounds good, I am starving."

"So can i ask what you were doing at the ministry today? I heard you had taken Snape's spot at potions."

"Yeah, um I was trying to get custody of this little guy." He inhaled sharply and moved a strand of hair of of Scorpius' face. "His mum died in childbirth and they took him away from me because of my 'history'."

"Oh my god! I am sorry." I said loudly.

"It was a mistake in the first place. The only reason why we were together was for him."

"Who was his mum?"

"Pansy." he said quickly. He sighed and I looked over at him.

"Really... Pansy."

"Yeah. We were just messing around. Really. Do you remember how she wasn't there for the Battle?" I nodded and he continued. "Her parents sent her home from Hogwarts when they found out."

"Merlin!" I exclaimed. "So um did you get custody?"

"Yes. I did. I was very happy. how are things with your Ginny?" We had arrived at the shop, I held the door open for him and he went in. The immediate scent of fried batter filled our noses.

"Great! Um I think we are going to start a family soon. But after Teddy I'm not really sure."

"Teddy was Remus's son right?" Teddy had come to stay with us for a while but Ginny and I soon realized we weren't quite the right fit for him so we sent him to live with his Grandparents.

"Yeah. We just couldn't handle a baby right after the battle you know?"

"I totally understand. It was really hard with Scorpius at first. Me being by myself and then the Ministry taking him from me, but I love being a dad." We ate and talked until Scorpius could barely keep his eyes open. After we finished we headed back outside and to the subway so we could apparate back home.

"Goodbye Malfoy." I called to him.

"Bye Potter. We should do this again sometime." He responded. The idea made my stomach flip with excitement.

"We should. I had a really great time." I said. I stepped toward him and place a small kids on Scorpius' forehead. "Goodnight baby Malfoy." Then standing on my toes I placed a soft kiss on Draco's lips. I stepped backward and waved popping back into my living room.

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