Chapter Twenty-one

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"Okay class today we will be studying the Werewolf. Please turn to page 394..." I said turning to the board and writing the word on the board. "Now. Can any of you tell me what a werewolf is?" A boy with dark black hair raised his hand.

"A werewolf is a person who has been infected by another werewolf and turns into the said werewolf every full moon."

"Good job. I know you guys are young but how many of you know of the war that took place here a few years ago?" More than half of the class raised their hands and I smiled. "Okay. Several werewolves were sent to the castle that night. They are ruthless and evil. They have no regard for any emotion and can terrorize a person. I hate to say this kids, but there is only one way to defeat these creatures, you must either kill them or try to wait them out. Some can control specific parts of the neurotransmission and resist the urge to kill. Do you understand?" They looked bewildered and turned to each other with wide eyes. Some nodded and others still looked shocked. "You guys don't have to be so scared. I mean look Theo." I said gesturing to a boy in the front row. "Come here Theo. look at what I am looking at here." He stood next to me and nodded his head.

"I think werewolves are fascinating."

"I agree. One of my best friends was one. They can be so nice in human form. Now I would like you to turn to your neighbor and brainstorm some ideas that may be effective in the defeat of a werewolf." Draco walked into the room, his robes swishing behind him.

"Mr. Potter can I talk to you?" He said stopping in front of my desk.

"Of course." I said stepping out behind the desk. "Theo, I am putting you in charge. Stand here. If any of you get out of hand I am sure Theo will tell me. Won't you Theo?" I said clicking my tongue and following Draco. As soon as we got out of the classroom he pushed me up against the stone and pressed his lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and twirled my fingers in the hair at the base of his neck. "What was that about Professor Malfoy?" I asked pulling away from him.

"I had a free period and couldn't wait to see you any longer."

"Well I think you need to be more careful. Someone will know that the slytherin prince and the boy who lived have a huge crush on each other." I said tapping his nose with my index finger.

"You are so cute." He said kissing my neck.

"I need to go Drake..." I whispered in his ear.

"Fine... Come to my room after dinner."

"Okay. See you then." I turned away from him and returned to the class. A giggle erupted from the students. "What happened kids?" I asked playfully.

"You... Your face is all red!" Theo said bursting out in laughter.

"Have you guys had to deal with Professor Malfoy? He can be so freaking frustrating!" I had covered my tracks. Damn. They almost caught on.

A little drarry fluff for ya'll. I don't really like this chapter, but... I think I might have to update less and focus more on the little important things. One of those being my math grade... Which after only four weeks of school is a B-, I hope all you drarry shipper will understand.

Love ya!
Keep calm & drarry on!


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