Chapter Eighteen

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There is a song I want you all to listen to while you read this. It is called You and Me Against the World by Helen Reddy.

We went home to my lonely house in the middle of central London. The place that used to be filled with Ginny and i's laughter. I took Lily up to the nursery and saw for the first time what had become of Ginny while I was gone. The room was destroyed toys and clothes were thrown across the room. No wonder she went into labor so early, she was stressed by something. Was it me leaving? But we had made that decision together. Had she not wanted the baby as much as I? With a flick of my wand the room was picked up and all clean for my baby Lily. I changed her diaper, gave her a bottle and put her to bed. I watched her for a while, her little chest rising and falling with each breath. I loved her. My heart swelled with pride. I am a father. A single father none the less but a father. I turned on the monitor and went to my room getting to bed and falling asleep instantly.


I woke up to her screams. For being such a small baby she could sure belt it all out. I rubbed my eyes and picked her up.

"Hey little miss. You're okay." I cooed snuggling her closer to me. I made a bottle and gave it to her. She immediately started sucking on it madly. I started humming to her.

You and me against the world
Sometimes it feels like you and me against the world
When all the others turn their backs and walk away
You can count on me to stay.

Remember when the circus came to town
And you were frightened by the clown
Wasn't it nice to be around someone that you knew
Someone that was big and strong and looking after

You and me against the world,
Sometimes it feels like you and me against the world
And for all the times we've cried I always felt that
God was on our side.

And when one of us is gone,
And one of us is left to carry on,
Then remembering will have to do,
Our memories alone will get us through
Think about the days of me and you,
You and me against the world.

Her eyes rolled back and she fell back asleep. I paced her back in her crib and had the song stuck in my head the rest of the night. Realizing it would just me and her against the world.

Okay this chapter was very hard to write. My grandma used to sing that song to my mom and her sisters so that song is a killer for me but I felt it got good there. So I recommend listening to the song. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Please comment on recommendations for Drarry! Please.
Thank you for so many reads and so much feedback! I love writing this and I hope you love reading it! We are already at 18 chapters and it seemed like just yesterday I was thinking up the idea.

Love ya!


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