Chapter Eight

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"They took our wands..." Draco moaned.

"Draco, how long have you been here?" I asked him.

"The night we met up. My father hit me over the head and umm one of the carrows took Scorpius. I don't really remember much." I saw the tears wetting his eyes and he shuddered. "He's got Scorpius!" He tried to throw up his hands but was contained by the shackles.

"It's okay Draco...we will get out of here."

"Harry are you okay?" Until this point Ron had not spoken. I looked over at him and his usual calm face was replaced by a a confused one.

"Yes. I am fine. Why do you ask?"

"One) you and Ferret here are supposed to hate each other and now you are acting all cuddly duckling. Two) my sister is pregnant with your child and you don't seemed worried at all." He said.

"Oh my God you are right. Ginny." I sighed as I said her name. Here I was sitting in the basement of the Malfoy Manor and she didn't even know. She hadn't even crossed my mind. "You are right Ron. But that is the reason why we need to get out of here. For Ginny, Hermione, and Scorpius. And I think we might have to do this the old fashioned way. The muggle way." I said slowly.

"What do you mean?" Draco said through his sobs.

"How many people come with your meals?"

"Usually just my father and maybe my mother." He responded quickly wiping away his tears.

"Okay so here's what I think. If we can overpower your dad and knock him out we can go into the house, find Scorpius and our wands and leave. The rest of the death eaters don't really know what to do without your father."

"Okay. That seems simple enough." Ron said quietly.

"Which one of us is the strongest?" I asked and the both pointed at me immediately. "Are you serious? Why?"

"You killed Voldemort!" Draco said raising his voice.


"Are you bloody kidding me?" Ron said shooting me a deadly look. "You are the strongest and bravest person I know. Me and The Ferret are just bumbling idiots. No offense Malfoy."

"You guys are idiots," I said cocking my head to the side,pretending like I was thinking on the situation.

"This isn't a time for jokes, Golden boy. My son is in there with my imbecile father."

"I get it Draco. I'm trying to make it a little bit lighter in here okay."

"Shut up you two! DID YOU JUST CALL HIM DRACO?! You called him Draco earlier too. I'm missing something."

"Shove off weasel!" Draco said under his breath. The door began to open and light streamed into the room, illuminating the dusty basement. I got a good look at the shackles that were holding me. They were a lot let complex that I thought; they were mad of an old rope tied multiple times. Rons and Draco's were exactly the same. This surprised me due to the usual organization of the death eaters. Lucius Malfoy stood at the top of the stairs two trays in hand. He slowly came down the stairs and dropped the food on the dirty floor. He turned on his heels and climbed the stairs without saying a word. We crawled to the pile of what I figured to be small bread rolls. I picked one up and bit into it.

"Well your dad is a bundle of puppies and kittens." Ron said chuckling.

"You didn't even have to live with him for the first 19 years of your life."

"We can do this guys. Did you notice how he came down and left the door open and the key in the door. It's too easy." I said furrowing my brow.

"Shouldn't that be a good thing?" Ron asked.

"Do you remember Bathilda Bagshot?"

"Hermione told me about that. Yeah."

"It seemed too easy. She would have the horcrux and we could be in and out in no time. It was a trap." I paused remembering that night. "I get that feeling here."

"I still think we should do it." Draco said.

"Ummm, I'm sorry but my wife is pregnant with my first child and so is Harry's. I want to have a chance at seeing his face."

"Would you rather try and get out of here and see Hermione in a couple of days, or sit in here and rot?"

"Okay. Let's do it." I spent the next couple of minutes trying to get off the ropes around my wrists. Once I succeeded I ran to Ron and undid his and then we took off Draco's. We sat and waited until the next time Lucius came down those stairs. It was two days later, we were sitting trying to find something to keep our minds going, but they were spinning around in circles from the lack of food and water. But when the door began to open our brains picked up the speed.

"Remember Draco find Scorpius, Ron get the wands and I will get the death eaters." I whispered; they nodded their heads in agreement. Lucius dropped the food again and I sprung up as he turned his back. I pulled him down and hit him over the head with a 2 by 4 I found in the corner of the room. Draco and Ron ran up the stairs and I finished tying Malfoy up in my rope. I followed them up the stairs and locked the door. I still couldn't believe how easy this was. Not one Death eater seemed to notice we had escaped but I stayed by the doors prepared for what might be a fight. None came. I stood there until Draco came back with Scorpio in tow and Ron behind him shortly with all three of our wands.

"Well this is too easy." Ron said followed by an exasperated sigh.

"I would have to agree with you." Narcissa turned a corner.

"Oh My God Draco! Look at you." She broke down and began crying. Fingering his cuts and bruises she fell to her knees. Draco leaned down and started playing with her hair.

"I know mum. But I can't stay, I've got to get away."

"Hurry. They are coming back for a meeting. Harry please come and arrest them. They need to be stopped."

"Yes Mrs. Malfoy. Oh and your husband is in the basement." We ran out of the house and into the street before we apparated back to the ministry.

Authors note:
Hey readers!! I just want to thank you for over 100 reads! This is insane and I know it's not much but it means a lot to me. So thank you. Remember please COMMENT!!!!!!

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