Chapter 4

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The plush, opulent suite in London was alive with the haze of cigarette smoke and the murmurs of pleasure. Rudraksh Oberoi, reclining comfortably in a cloud of indulgence, savored the moment with the woman beside him. The room's dim lighting cast soft shadows on their figures, enhancing the sense of luxury and excess.

As Rudraksh's hand trailed down the woman's back, his phone buzzed insistently on a nearby table. Annoyed by the interruption, he shifted his gaze from the woman to the phone. His face tightened with irritation as he reached for the device, silencing the vibration with a swipe.

"What is it?" Rudraksh's voice was terse, his patience thin for anything that disrupted his pleasure.

The voice on the other end of the line was tense and formal. "Mr. Oberoi, this is Inspector Sharma from the Mumbai Police Department. I'm calling regarding an urgent matter involving your daughter."

The mention of "daughter" cut through the fog of Rudraksh's indulgence, his eyes narrowing. The word felt jarring against his current state. He sat up abruptly, his demeanor shifting from casual to alert.

"Daughter?" Rudraksh echoed, his voice now sharp and commanding. "What are you talking about?"

There was a brief pause on the other end before the inspector continued. "We have a child here named Roohi Mehra. She was involved in a car accident in Mumbai, and her mother, Roshni Mehra, was killed. According to the medical report and the information we've gathered, the child is your daughter."

Rudraksh's heart skipped a beat. The name "Roohi" was familiar, but hearing it in this context was a shock. He glanced at the woman beside him, who was now watching him with curiosity and concern. He held up a hand to indicate he needed a moment alone.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Rudraksh demanded, his voice rising.

"No, Mr. Oberoi," the inspector replied firmly. "The report is clear. We need you to come to Mumbai as soon as possible to take custody of her."

Rudraksh's mind raced. The world he had carefully constructed seemed to shatter with the news. He had never been involved in his child's life-hadn't even known of her existence until now. The implications of this sudden revelation were staggering.

"Fine," Rudraksh said through gritted teeth, his voice cold and controlled despite the turmoil inside. "I'll be there as soon as possible. Have her remain in your care until I arrive."

He ended the call and took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. The woman beside him, sensing the shift in his mood, reached out tentatively. Rudraksh brushed her hand aside and stood up, his mind already shifting to the logistical arrangements for his abrupt trip to Mumbai.

As he prepared to leave the room, the weight of the responsibility he was about to face began to settle over him. The ruthless businessman, so accustomed to control and dominance, was now facing a challenge he had never anticipated: becoming a father to a little girl he had never met, and navigating a situation that threatened to unravel the carefully managed facade of his life.

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