Chapter -40

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A few weeks later, Mia found herself nervously smoothing down her dress as she stood outside the large, elegant home in Winchester. She had already met Kiara and Vishnu Advani, Karan’s sister and brother-in-law, at Karan's house.

They were warm and welcoming, which had put her at ease, but the idea of meeting the entire family was daunting. Today, she would be meeting more members of the Advani family, including Siya, Janvi, and others, and she was determined to make a good impression.

Mia took a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach. She glanced around, taking in the beautiful surroundings of the Advani estate. The house was large and elegant, with a perfectly manicured garden that stretched out in front. It was clear that this was a family of wealth and status, and she felt a bit overwhelmed standing in front of such grandeur.

Arjun, noticing Mia’s nerves, gently placed a hand on her back. “Hey,” he said softly, leaning closer, “You’ve got this. They’re going to love you, just like Kiara and Vishnu did.”

They walked up to the front door, which was opened by Kiara herself. She was a warm, welcoming presence with a bright smile. “Mia, Arjun! Welcome!” she greeted them, pulling Mia into a gentle hug. “We’re so glad you could come. I’m Kiara, and this is my husband, Vishu.”

Vishu stepped forward, offering a kind smile. “It’s great to meet you, Mia. We’ve heard so much about you.”

Mia nodded politely. “Thank you for having me. It’s nice to meet you both.”

“Come in, come in!” Kiara said, leading them inside. The house was filled with a cozy warmth that immediately put Mia at ease. Siya and Janvi, the Advani daughters, were already waiting in the living room.

Siya, the elder of the two, smiled brightly. “Hi, Mia! I’m Siya, and this is my sister, Janvi. We’ve been so excited to meet you!”

Janvi's eyes sparkle with mischievous as she offers a friendly handshake. “Welcome to our little madhouse!”

Mia couldn’t help but laugh, her nerves slowly melting away in the face of such genuine warmth. “Thank you, Janvi. I’m glad to be here.”

Arjun couldn’t help but watch Mia interact with the girls, his heart swelling with admiration. She was handling herself so gracefully despite her nerves. He felt a sudden surge of pride for her.

At one point, Arjun leaned in close to Mia, his voice low so only she could hear. “See? They already like you. You’re doing great.”

Mia turned to him, her eyes soft with gratitude. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

Arjun grinned. “I’m just glad I could be here with you.”

Just then, Siya and Janvi pulled Mia away, their excitement palpable as they dragged her upstairs to show off their rooms and share their favorite books and hobbies. Mia laughed, allowing herself to be swept up in their enthusiasm. Arjun watched her go, a soft smile playing on his lips, his eyes lingering on her retreating figure.

Vishnu, noticing the look, nudged Arjun playfully. “You’re quite taken with her, aren’t you?” he teased, his tone light but knowing.

Arjun shrugged, attempting to appear nonchalant. “She’s… special,” he admitted, unable to hide the warmth in his voice.

Kiara, who had been listening to the exchange, chuckled softly. “That she is,” she agreed. “It’s nice to see you so happy, Arjun. Mia is wonderful, and we promise to take good care of her.”

Vishnu smirked, a playful glint in his eyes. “Yeah, and maybe while she’s here, you could take the chance to, I don’t know, woo her a bit more? Take her out on some proper dates, make it official?”

Arjun laughed, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. “Who knows, Vishnu? Maybe I will,” he replied, his tone teasing. “But for now, I’m just glad she’s found a place where she can feel safe and happy.”

Vishnu patted Arjun on the back, still grinning. “Good luck, mate. You’re going to need it if you want to keep up with someone as remarkable as Mia.”

Arjun just laughed, feeling lighter than he had in a long time. As he glanced back toward the stairs where Mia had disappeared, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. Whatever the future held, he was ready to face it, especially if Mia was going to be a part of it.

Meanwhile, Rudraksh and Roohi decided to spend some quality father-daughter time together. Rudraksh knew Roohi would love a visit to the zoo. It was one of her favorite places, filled with the animals she adored and the chance to explore the wonders of nature.

As they arrived at the London Zoo, Roohi’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Papa, can we go see the lions first?” she asked eagerly, tugging on Rudraksh’s hand.

Rudraksh chuckled, watching his daughter's enthusiasm. “Alright, alright, we’ll go see the lions first. But you have to promise me you’ll hold my hand the whole time, okay?”

Roohi nodded eagerly, clutching his hand tighter. “Promise!”

They made their way through the zoo, stopping at each exhibit to admire the animals. Roohi’s laughter filled the air as she watched the playful antics of the monkeys, and her eyes widened with awe when they reached the majestic lions lounging in their enclosure. Rudraksh couldn’t help but smile, enjoying seeing his daughter so happy and carefree.

“Look, Papa!” Roohi pointed excitedly. “The lion cubs are playing with their mom!”

Rudraksh nodded, kneeling down to her level. “They’re beautiful, aren’t they? Just like you, always so full of life.”

Roohi giggled and hugged her father’s arm. “I love spending time with you, Papa. Can we do this more often?”

Rudraksh’s heart swelled with affection. “Of course, my little princess. We’ll make more time for this.”

As they continued their journey through the zoo, they shared stories and laughter, enjoying each other’s company. They fed the giraffes, watched the penguins swim, and even took a ride on the zoo’s small train, which Roohi loved. It was a perfect day, filled with the simple joys of spending time with loved ones.

Michael sat nervously in the school administration office, waiting for his turn to finalize his school admission. His fingers fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, his anxiety evident in the way he kept glancing around the room.

Akshat sat beside him, noticing the nervousness radiating from his younger cousin. He reached out and gently took Michael's hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, it's going to be okay," Akshat whispered with a calming smile. "You've got this, Michael. Just be yourself, and everything will fall into place."

Michael nodded, trying to absorb Akshat's words. He had been through a lot over the past few months, but having Akshat by his side made everything a bit easier. Their relationship had grown stronger since Michael had moved in with Akshat's family, and he felt a sense of comfort in knowing that Akshat believed in him.

The administrator called Michael's name, and he took a deep breath, standing up. Akshat stood with him, still holding his hand. "Remember," Akshat said softly, "just be yourself. I'm right here with you."

Michael nodded again, his nerves settling slightly as he looked into Akshat's supportive eyes. With a newfound sense of courage, he walked toward the administrator's desk, Akshat right beside him. He could do this. He wasn't alone. And maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something better.

As they approached the desk, the administrator smiled warmly at Michael. "Good morning, Michael. We're excited to have you join our school. Let's go over a few things, shall we?"

Michael smiled nervously but nodded, feeling Akshat's steady presence beside him. He knew this was a big step, but he also knew that with Akshat's support, he could face whatever came his way.

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