Chapter 46

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After the event, Rudraksh and Roohi headed out for a special treat. They stopped at their favorite ice cream parlor, where Roohi picked her favorite flavors with excitement.

Rudraksh: "So, what flavors are we getting today, champ?"

Roohi: "Hmm, I want chocolate and strawberry, papa! And can we mix them together?"

Rudraksh: "Chocolate and strawberry it is. Sounds like a delicious combination!"

They enjoyed their ice cream while walking down the street.

Rudraksh smiled as he watched Roohi savor her ice cream, her eyes lighting up with every bite.

As they walked along the street, Roohi pointed out little things she found interesting—a dog wagging its tail, the colors in the sunset, and the twinkling lights from the nearby shops.

Roohi: "Papa, today was the best day ever. Ice cream and fun with you—nothing beats that!"

Rudraksh smiled, feeling content. "I'm glad you had fun, Roohi. We should do this more often."

Roohi nodded eagerly, licking the last bit of her ice cream. "Definitely, papa. Can we come back here tomorrow too?"

Rudraksh chuckled. "We'll see, champ. But for now, let's enjoy this moment."

They continued their walk, feeling the warmth of the evening and the sweetness of their time together, knowing that these little moments meant everything.

As the evening sky deepened into shades of orange and purple, Rudraksh and Roohi strolled quietly, their hearts light from the simplicity of the day. The soft breeze carried the sounds of the city around them, but in that moment, it felt like they were in their own world—father and daughter, cherishing a bond stronger than words.

As they approached their car, Roohi slipped her tiny hand into Rudraksh’s.

Roohi: “Papa, will we always have moments like this? Just you and me?”

Rudraksh looked down at his daughter, her innocence and curiosity reflected in her wide eyes. He knelt down to her level, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face.

Rudraksh: “Always, my little champ. No matter how busy life gets, I promise we’ll make time for moments like these. They’re the most important.”

Roohi smiled, a content smile that only a child could give, knowing her world was safe in her father’s love.

They got into the car, Roohi leaning her head against the window as they drove home. Rudraksh glanced at her through the rearview mirror, seeing her eyelids grow heavy with sleep. He turned the radio on low, the soft hum of music filling the space as the city lights blurred by.

By the time they reached home, Roohi was fast asleep. Rudraksh carefully unbuckled her, lifting her into his arms. As he carried her to her room, he felt a surge of love and responsibility wash over him. These small, precious moments were the ones that would shape their lives, the ones they’d both look back on with warmth and gratitude.

After tucking Roohi into bed, Rudraksh stood by her bedside for a moment, watching her peaceful face. He whispered quietly, “Goodnight, champ.”

As he left her room, Rudraksh realized that no matter what challenges came their way, these moments of joy, connection, and love would be their anchor. And that was all they needed.

The house settled into quietness, but Rudraksh’s heart felt full. He knew that life’s biggest treasures weren’t in grand gestures or achievements but in the everyday magic of moments shared with the ones you love.

And with that, Rudraksh looked forward to all the tomorrows they’d have together. Because in their world, love, laughter, and a shared scoop of ice cream would always be enough.

The End.


Hey lovely readers!

Sorry if the ending didn’t quite hit the mark for some of you 😅. I decided not to extend this book further by adding more chapters, but guess what? Roohi will be back in **Book 2**, where she’ll be older and stepping into her **preteen years**! 👧✨ (She’s currently 6 in this book). And yes, there will be **Book 3** as well, which will focus on her teenage phase and all the fun (and challenges) that come with it!

I admit, endings might not be my strong suit 😬, but I promise there’s so much more to come! I’ve realized that **parenting stories** are a niche that I absolutely love, even more than the usual love and romance stories. 💖

Also, after Roohi’s series, I’m super excited to dive into my next project—it’ll focus on the beautiful dynamics of a **brother-sister relationship**. Stay tuned for more heartwarming tales! 📚💫

Thanks for all your support, and I hope you’re as excited as I am for what’s to come!

With love,
[Ridhi] ❤️

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