Chapter -30

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The grand charity event for women’s education and empowerment had brought together the most influential families in the city, including the Raichands and the Oberois.

The event, hosted by Harold, a prominent businessman known for his philanthropy, was intended to celebrate the progress made and to raise more funds for the cause. Joan, Harold's elegant and kind-hearted wife, had taken a special interest in Roohi, guiding her through the event and making sure she was having a good time.

Roohi was delighted to be spending time with Joan. They wandered through the beautifully decorated venue, talking about all sorts of things while Joan introduced Roohi to various important guests. Meanwhile, the Raichands—Abhay, Arjun, and Aarav—were present, mingling with other guests, including Karan and Akshat, who were both prominent figures in the business world and close allies of the Oberois.

Despite the polished appearance of the evening, there was an undercurrent of tension.

The presence of such powerful figures, all with connections to the mafia world, meant that security was tight, and the air was thick with a sense of unease. Everyone seemed on alert, especially Abhay and Rudraksh, who had a longstanding rivalry despite their alliance in business and darker dealings.

As the event progressed, the atmosphere began to lighten. Roohi was laughing with Joan, who was telling her stories about her own childhood, while Aarav and Arjun were chatting nearby. Karan and Akshat were discussing business with Abhay and Rudraksh, keeping a close eye on the surroundings out of habit. The evening seemed to be going smoothly until, suddenly, the air was shattered by the deafening sound of gunshots.

Panic erupted instantly. People screamed and scrambled for cover as masked assailants stormed the event, firing ruthlessly into the crowd. The meticulously planned evening turned into a nightmare of chaos and bloodshed.

Abhay and Rudraksh’s instincts kicked in immediately. They rushed towards the kids, determined to protect them at all costs. Arjun, despite his young age, showed remarkable courage, pushing Roohi and Aarav towards safety while shielding them with his own body. Karan and Akshat, along with Abhay and Rudraksh, engaged in a fierce battle with the attackers, their years of mafia experience evident in their precision and brutality.

Joan tried to shield Roohi, but in the chaos, they were separated. Roohi, terrified and calling out for her father, was pulled away by Arjun, who was trying to lead her and Aarav out of harm's way. The three of them dashed through the chaotic crowd, but the gunfire was relentless, and the attackers seemed to have a specific target in mind.

Amid the confusion, a group of armed men cornered Arjun, Aarav, and Roohi. Arjun fought valiantly, trying to protect his younger brother and Roohi, but there were too many of them. He was overpowered, and despite his best efforts, he was struck down, his body taking brutal hits as he tried to shield the younger kids. Bloodied and barely conscious, Arjun could only watch helplessly as the attackers dragged Aarav and Roohi away.

Karan and Akshat fought with every ounce of strength they had, alongside Abhay and Rudraksh, but the attackers were well-coordinated, and the chaos made it impossible to reach the children in time. The attackers were brutal and ruthless, killing anyone who stood in their way, and in the end, they succeeded in kidnapping Aarav and Roohi.

As the attackers made their escape, Karan and Akshat, though bloodied and bruised, managed to reach Arjun, who was lying on the ground, his injuries severe. Abhay and Rudraksh fought their way to him as well, their faces masks of fury and desperation.

“Where are they?” Abhay demanded, his voice laced with a mixture of fear and anger.

Arjun, barely able to speak, managed to gasp out, “They took… Aarav and Roohi…”

Rudraksh’s face contorted with rage and anguish. His worst nightmare had come true—his little girl was in the hands of ruthless criminals, and he had no idea where they had taken her. Abhay’s expression was equally grim as he knelt beside his son, feeling a cold fury settle in his chest.

The aftermath of the attack was devastating. Harold’s event had turned into a bloodbath, with many of the guests either injured or dead. Joan was safe but deeply shaken, and Harold was inconsolable over the tragedy that had unfolded at an event meant to be a beacon of hope.

But for Abhay and Rudraksh, there was no time to mourn the losses. Their children were missing, and nothing else mattered.

The two powerful men, despite their differences, knew they had to work together to rescue Aarav and Roohi. They mobilized every resource at their disposal, determined to bring their children back, no matter what it took.

In the days that followed, the city would feel the full wrath of Abhay Raichand and Rudraksh Oberoi. The underworld trembled as the two men, leaders of rival empires, unleashed their fury, searching for any clue that would lead them to the whereabouts of their kidnapped children. The hunt had begun, and the kidnappers had no idea of the storm that was coming for them.

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