Chapter - 27

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Arjun Raichand had just returned home when he overheard some of the staff whispering about his younger brother, Aarav, getting into a fight at school. Curious and slightly concerned, he made his way to Aarav's room, where he found his little brother sitting on the bed, looking lost in thought.

Arjun leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms with a teasing grin on his face. "So, I hear my little brother is a hero now," he said, his tone playful.

Aarav looked up, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "I just didn't like seeing those guys picking on a girl. It wasn't a big deal."

Arjun walked over and ruffled Aarav's hair. "Not a big deal? You stood up for someone who couldn't stand up for herself. That's something to be proud of, little man." He sat down beside Aarav, his expression softening. Despite the world they were part of, Arjun always tried to maintain a sense of normalcy and protectiveness towards his younger brother.

Aarav couldn't help but smile at Arjun's words. "Thanks, Arjun. But they called her something awful. I just couldn't let that slide."

Arjun chuckled, nudging him lightly. "And you shouldn't. But tell me, what's the story with this girl? Is she special or something?"

Aarav blushed even more, shrugging. "She's just... nice. Different from the others."

Arjun raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Ah, I see. So my tough little brother might have a soft spot for someone, huh?"

Before Aarav could respond, Abhay Raichand walked into the room, having observed the exchange from afar. He had always been proud of the bond between his sons, despite the darker aspects of their lives. Seeing Arjun teasing Aarav with such affection brought a rare smile to his face.

"Arjun, stop embarrassing your brother," Abhay said with a light chuckle. "But in all seriousness, Aarav, I'm proud of you. Standing up for someone like that takes courage."

Aarav looked at his father, the pride in Abhay's eyes giving him a sense of accomplishment. "Thanks, Dad. I just did what felt right."

Abhay nodded, but his expression soon turned more serious as he addressed both of his sons. "There's something you should know about the girl you helped today, Aarav. Her name is Roohi, and she's the daughter of Rudraksh Oberoi."

Arjun's playful demeanor shifted instantly at the mention of Rudraksh's name. "Rudraksh Oberoi? The businessman who's also deeply involved in the underworld?"

Abhay's face hardened slightly. "Yes, that's the one. Rudraksh and I were once allies, but now... we're more like rivals. Our paths have diverged significantly over the years. He's a powerful man, and so are we, but it's important to understand that there's history between us."

Aarav's eyes widened slightly. "I didn't know that. So, is Roohi... I should have not saved her?

Abhay shook his head, placing a reassuring hand on Aarav's shoulder. "No, son. You did the right thing. Whatever the differences Rudraksh and I have, they don't involve children. But it's important for you to be aware of who's who in our world. Rudraksh Oberoi is not a man to be underestimated, and neither are we."

Arjun exchanged a glance with Aarav, the gravity of their father's words sinking in. Despite the dark world they were a part of, moments like these reminded them of the importance of family, loyalty, and the choices they made.

Abhay, seeing the thoughtful expressions on his sons' faces, softened his tone. "Remember, we're Raichands. We protect what's ours, and we stand by those who stand by us. Aarav, you did just that today, and I'm proud of you for it."

As Abhay left the room, Arjun turned back to Aarav with a mischievous grin. "Looks like you've got more than just a new friend, little brother. You've got the whole Raichand-Oberoi drama to deal with now too."

Aarav rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of a smile on his face.

Arjun laughed, pulling Aarav into a playful headlock. Hey remember, I've got your back. Always."

The two brothers laughed, their bond stronger than ever, even as they navigated the complexities of their world.


Back at the Oberoi mansion, Roohi sat at her small desk, the late afternoon sun streaming through the windows, casting a warm glow across the room. She had her colored pencils and markers scattered around her as she worked diligently on a handmade thank you card. The events of the day played back in her mind, especially the moment when Aarav Raichand had stepped in to protect her from the bullies.

Roohi had never experienced someone being so mean to her before, and though the words those boys used still confused her, what stood out more was how Aarav had stood up for her without hesitation. She knew she wanted to show her gratitude, and a thank you card seemed like the perfect way to do it.

The card was simple but heartfelt. On the front, she drew a picture of two kids-one boy and one girl-standing side by side with big smiles. She used her favorite colors, making sure to add extra details like flowers and a sun in the sky. Above the picture, she wrote in her best handwriting, "Thank You, Aarav!"

Inside the card, she carefully wrote a short message:

Dear Aarav,

Thank you so much for helping me and saving me from being bullied.You are very brave and kind. 😃

As she finished the card, Roohi smiled at herself. She felt a little less scared and a lot more thankful for what had happened today. Just as she was about to find an envelope to put the card in, Rudraksh walked into the room, noticing her deep in concentration.

"What are you working on, princess?" he asked with a gentle smile, his earlier worries temporarily eased by seeing his daughter engaged in something creative.

Roohi looked up, her eyes lighting up as she showed him the card. "I made a thank you card for Aarav, Daddy. He helped me today when those boys were being mean."

Rudraksh's heart swelled with pride and tenderness as he looked at the card. "That's a beautiful card, sweetheart. I'm sure Aarav will love it."

Rudraksh knelt down beside her, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. I'm proud of you for being so kind and thoughtful, Roohi.

Roohi hugged her father, feeling safe and loved in his arms. "Thank you, papa."

As Rudraksh held his daughter, he couldn't help but think about the complexities of their world. The Raichands were not just another family-they were deeply entwined with his past, and now, through Roohi and Aarav, their paths were crossing again. But for now, he focused on the present, appreciating the innocence of his daughter's gesture.

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