I love him already

365 10 1

(Please play red wine supernova - Chapell Roan while reading this)

(A few days go by)

Vivian's Pov

I wake up, and my bed is empty. Oh no, where did she go? Did she get scared of me? What happened? I really need to talk to her about something...

I go downstairs, and I start smelling bacon and other stuff.
"Who's in my kitchen?" I say jokingly as I walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning, angel, I'm just making us breakfast." siobhan says as she looks over at me.

I walk over and give her a kiss on the forehead, "I have a question.."

"What is it, my darling?" She says

"I have to bring Jaime home from my mothers. Are you okay with that?" I ask

"Yes of course, I don't really like children but I've met Jaime a few times and I've got a soft spot for him already and he's also your child so of course I'm okay with that." She says

"I will be only out for 5 minutes, My mother only lives 5 houses down from me." I say

"That's fine," She says, as she puts our breakfast on the plates.

Siobhans pov

I put the breakfast on the plates, and Vivian starts to eat hers until we even get to the table. 😂

I chuckle, "My love, we haven't even got to the dining room."

"Oh yeah, I know." Viv says, laughing

We both go over to the table and we eat our food.

"Babe, you might not be good at everything, but you are definitely good at cooking." She adds

"Thank you." I say with a warm smile, blushing.

(Time skip 10 minutes)

Vivian's Pov

She is such an amazing girlfriend and we have only been together for 5 days. I am so grateful to have a person like her in my life. I don't know what I'd do without her.

"That was amazing. I love it, thank you." I say.

"You're welcome, my dear." Siobhan replies

"I need to get Jaime now, I'll be back in 5. Will you be okay here or would you like to come with me?" I question

"Can I come with you and wait outside? It just feels safer when I'm around you." She asks

"I can introduce you to my mother, Valerie, she's very kind." I say

Siobhan: "Okay, love. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine, I'm just so proud of you and grateful for you." I look at her smiling warmly.

Siobhan:"Is it okay if we go and get him now?"

"Yes, we were supposed to get him in 10 minutes, but it's fine. we can get him now."

Siobhans Pov

I'm so nervous, I'm meeting Jaime for real now. I can't put into words how nervous I am. I hope vivs Mother thinks good of me.

Vivian: "Let me grab my keys, and we will get going."

Vivian grabs her keys, and we get out of the door. We start walking when I think I can't move back into my house. Too much went on in there. I turn my face to look at viv.

Vivian:" What's wrong, love?"

"I can't move back into my house."

Viv looks at me, concerned, Vivian: "Would you like me to get in contact with reece and marjorie and see if they could bring your stuff over to mine, and you could maybe... move in with me?"

I raise an eyebrow, and my face looks shocked.
"Really? Are you okay with that?"

Vivian: "Yes, why wouldn't I, and the house would feel too quiet without you."

She gives me a hug and says, "Let's get Jaime now."

(Time skip 3 minutes)

Vivian's Pov

We are now at my mothers, I'm so excited to see my son. I've missed him dearly. And I really want for him to be good with siobhan.

I go up to the door and knock.
I turn my head quickly to siobhan, "everything okay, angel?"

Siobhan:" Yes, of course."

My mother opens the door and gives me a hug

Val:"Hello dear, and who is this?"

"Mum, this is my girlfriend, Siobhan."

Val looks over at her and says, "You are so pretty, you and my Vivian make such a lovely match. Welcome to the family, dear. "

A smile tugs at the corners at my lips, as me and siobhan comes inside. Jaime then starts running up to us and gives me a hug.

Jaime: "Mama, I missed you. Hello pretty blonde lady, what are you doing here?"

Siobhan:" my name is siobhan and I'm dating your mother."

Jaime looks at me and I nod. He looks back at siobhan and says, "so your going to be like, my second mummy?"

Jaime runs up to siobhan and gives her a hug. Honestly, I love them both so much.

Siobhans pov

Honestly, I don't like hugs but Jaimes hug feels like vivs hugs. Like mother, like son.

Val:"Well i won't keep you guys long, have a lovely evening! Goodbye, vivi, siobhan and Jaime!!"

Viv:"Goodbye mum! Say goodbye Jaime!!"

Jaime:"Bye nana, love you"

"Goodbye val, see you soon!!"

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