Doubts Planted

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(Y/n)'s POV

Days flew by now that Harry was with us, he went from Ron's house to mine from time to time, my house and Ron's house were a bit far, but still, we finally got him to play videogames, and just to make sure Ron learned, I put him in charge of teaching Harry about them.

Harry seemed fascinated, and said.

"I've seen them before, Dudley has some, but he never let me play them, sometimes I couldn't even see him play or he would get mad." I just looked at him, and said,

"Don't worry Harry, you can play with it anytime you want, that's... that's what friends are for, right?"

"Yeah, besides, this game's easier when you play it with two people – bloody hell! –" Said Ron as he died in the game.

"I think you need less talking and more gaming, mate." I said between laughs, Harry laughed too, the few times he got to be in my house we spent them like that.

When my parents met Harry, Mom almost cried, and hugged him. Dad just looked at him with a puzzled expression that also had a bit of happiness in it.

"You look almost exactly like James," Said Dad.

"Yeah, though you have Lily's kind eyes, I hope you're not a troublemaker like James" Said Mom, laughing through the tears, and then they proceeded to tell him stories about his parents when they were in school.

Harry at times looked like he could cry any time, though that passed as he giggled at the stories of his parents. I was happy, it was one of the few times where Harry didn't have to worry about anything.

When Hermione found out what we did, she scolded us – or rather – scolded me for coming up with the plan, and kicking a man on the face, but what can you do? Nerves make you act without thinking sometimes, and even if she denied it, I knew she was glad Harry was safe now.

Little by little Harry's bones were less seen, which I was happy for, I still can't wrap my head around his guardians treating him like that, maybe they did deserve to be terrorised by Harry.

"I don't know why I have body aches..." He mentioned when he was in my house, Mom passed him a potion, and said.

"It may be because of the potions I've been giving you, it's a mix of an Invigoration Draught, a Vitamix Potion, a Wiggenweld Potion and a few nutrients I saw fit, before you say it, yeah, it's safe, I tried it on myself before I tried it on anyone else." She said, with clear pride in her voice.

"W-Why would you give him that for, Mom?" I asked, Harry looked a bit surprised at it.

"Well, he obviously didn't get any nutrients a kid of his age should get, so I had to do something, it helps with the growth he also didn't get because of not eating well, curse the Dursleys... Ah, sorry for my language, Harry." Mom had the tendency of talking a lot, at least Harry didn't mind it.

"Thanks, Mrs (L/n), it's the first time people actually care for what I eat and do, it feels nice, I wonder if my mom would've been like this too" Said Harry, Mom looked ready to cry at that, and hugged him.

"Don't even mention it, dear, we owe it to your parents, you'll always have a home here, even if my husband is the quiet type, he likes you too, and yeah, Lily was the type to worry a lot, if only you could've seen how much she worried for James everytime he landed on detention..." She drifted off, thinking about it, so I chimed in.

"The point is, this house is your house too, Harry, no need to thank anything" I said, with a smile.


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