The Student's Mask

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The mansion's grand hallway was filled with a sense of anticipation as Aera prepared for the next phase of her mission. She stood in front of a full-length mirror, adjusting her new school uniform. Her expression remained as impassive as ever, but the sharpness in her eyes reflected her focus and determination.

The sound of the doorbell echoed through the hallways, breaking her concentration. Aera glanced at the clock—it was time for Kai and the others to arrive. She made her way to the entrance, her footsteps measured and deliberate.

When she opened the door, Kai stood there with a confident smile, flanked by Leo and Felix. Leo, tall and athletic with a casual yet stylish demeanor, and Felix, with his sharp features and a more reserved presence, both greeted her warmly.

"Hey, Aera," Kai said, stepping inside. "I'm glad you're ready. We had a bit of a struggle with the admission process, but everything's sorted now. You're officially enrolled."

Aera's eyes narrowed slightly in relief. "I appreciate the effort. It wasn't easy, I'm sure."

Kai nodded, his expression serious. "It wasn't. We had to navigate some tricky identity checks and paperwork, but we managed to get through. You're all set for your first day."

Leo stepped forward, carrying a few bags. "We brought some additional supplies and essentials for you. Thought it might help to have a few extra things to get you started."

Felix, standing beside Leo, added, "We've also got a plan for how you'll integrate smoothly into the school environment. It's important to make a good impression and start building relationships right away."

Aera took the bags from Leo and nodded appreciatively. "Thank you. I'll review everything and make sure I'm prepared."

Kai glanced around the room, then focused back on Aera. "We've planned a brief orientation for you—an overview of the school's layout, key people to know, and how to approach Jimin without raising suspicion."

Aera nodded, her mind already racing through the details. "I'll be ready. What's the plan for today?"

Kai looked at his team before answering. "We'll go through the orientation first. After that, we'll review the schedule and make sure you're familiar with the key areas of the school. We'll also discuss strategies for interacting with Jimin and gathering the information you need."

As they prepared for the day, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of professional focus and camaraderie. Despite the weight of the mission, there was a sense of solidarity among the team. Aera felt a fleeting sense of comfort knowing she had support, even if she remained emotionally guarded.

With the team's help, Aera was ready to face the new challenges of her role as a student. The first day of school loomed ahead, and with it, the opportunity to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within its walls.

Aera's POV:

The next morning, I woke up early, ready to start the day. My routine was as precise as always: exercise, shower, and dress. The new school uniform was a stark reminder of the role I was about to play. I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail, preparing to tackle the day ahead.

I approached the dressing table, where the makeup kit Leo had provided lay untouched. The thought of applying makeup felt strange; I had never used it before. I picked up the kit, feeling a pang of uncertainty. This was a new challenge, one I hadn't anticipated.

Just then, my phone rang. It was a video call from Kai. I answered, seeing him on the screen with a reassuring smile. "Hey, Aera. Ready for the big day?"

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