Past memories

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After being bailed out from the police station, Aera tried to rest, but her mind wouldn't settle. Her thoughts kept drifting back to her arrest and everything she had seen. In particular, Jimin's face—the expression he wore as she was taken away. It was unreadable, but there was something else that caught her attention in that moment. A scar on his cheek, faint and almost imperceptible under normal circumstances. She hadn't noticed it before. Was it always there, hidden under layers of makeup?

Her instincts told her there was more to this. She needed to be sure.

Picking up her phone, she decided to call Yoongi. He was always straightforward, and she knew he could get her the photos she needed.

"Yoongi, do you have any photos of Jimin without makeup or editing?" she asked directly.

There was a brief pause on the other end. Then, in a dry yet playful tone, Yoongi replied, "Why, planning some blackmail? If so, I want in. I've got a few of him singing to his plants that could come in handy."

Aera couldn't help but smile. "Not today, Yoongi. I just need them. Can you send some over?"

"Alright, alright," Yoongi sighed with mock reluctance. "But if you get rich from this, I expect a cut. Check your phone in a minute."

True to his word, a series of unfiltered photos arrived in her messages. Kai, who had been silently observing her from across the room, frowned with growing frustration. He couldn't understand why she still seemed so focused on Jimin after his betrayal. Watching her dig deeper into things involving him stirred something inside—an uneasy mix of jealousy and protectiveness.

"Why are you still looking into him, Aera?" Kai blurted out, unable to keep his feelings in check. "After everything he's done... what's the point?"

Aera glanced up, her expression calm but determined. "There's something more to this, Kai. I'm not letting my guard down. I just need to confirm something."

Kai sighed, his frustration softening into concern. "Just be careful, alright? Don't let him get to you again."

Aera nodded and returned her focus to her phone. As she zoomed in on one of the photos Yoongi sent, her eyes widened slightly. There it was—the scar. Faint, almost hidden, but unmistakably there. She was right.

As soon as Aera confirmed her suspicions about the scar, she wasted no time. She immediately dialed Jin, her fingers tapping anxiously against her phone. She needed to see the rest of BTS—this couldn't wait.

"Jin, I need you all to come over. Now," she said the moment he picked up.

Jin, sensing the urgency in her voice, didn't ask questions. "Alright, we'll be there in ten."

True to their word, it wasn't long before the entire group arrived at Aera's place, each of them wearing expressions that ranged from concern to confusion. Yoongi was the first to speak up, leaning against the wall with his usual calm demeanor. "What's going on, Aera? You sounded pretty serious on the phone."

During the meeting at her place, Aera stood before the group, her voice steady but filled with a deep sense of urgency. "I've been piecing things together," she began, "and I need to share something important. When I was arrested, I noticed something about Jimin—there was a faint scar on his cheek."

The room went silent, with everyone hanging on her words.

Jungkook, who had been listening intently, tried to mask his surprise but couldn't hide his curiosity. "So Jimin has a scar. Why is that important?"Jungkook,with a smirk, couldn't resist adding, "Are you worried that Jimin is hurt? You lovebirds."

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