Finally ......

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A few days later, Leo called an urgent meeting at Aera's place. The team gathered in the living room, the air thick with anticipation and tension. Everyone was there—Aera, Jimin, BTS, Kai, Felix, and Leo—each of them ready to finally take down Kim Seokmin once and for all.

Leo cleared his throat, capturing everyone's attention. "Alright, guys, it's time we bring this to an end. We've been gathering evidence against Kim Seokmin for a while now, but we need a solid plan to expose him publicly and ensure he faces justice."

Jin crossed his arms, his expression stern. "We've got plenty of evidence, but we need to figure out the best way to present it. It has to be undeniable, something that leaves no room for him to wiggle out of."

Felix nodded in agreement. "We can't let him slip through the cracks. If we're going to do this, we need to make sure it's airtight."

RM leaned forward, his strategic mind already at work. "We need to think about how we can gather even more evidence to solidify our case. What we have now is good, but we need to overwhelm him with proof—enough that he can't possibly deny it."

Kai, still protective of Aera, chimed in. "What about his phone calls and dealings? Jimin already got us a recording of his conversation, but there must be more. If we can hack into his communications and catch him in the act, that would be the nail in the coffin."

Jimin looked determined, his eyes glinting with resolve. "I know my uncle's schedule and his routines. I can help you guys get access to his private office again. If we can get into his computer, there might be a lot more dirt we can dig up. We can also try to intercept any calls he makes to his associates."

V scratched his chin thoughtfully. "So we're talking about a full-scale infiltration again? But this time, we need to make sure we're in and out without any slip-ups. The last thing we need is to have another run-in with the police."

Jungkook, now more involved and supportive than ever, added, "I can help with the tech side of things. We can set up surveillance and intercept his communications in real-time. If we can catch him making deals or discussing his illegal activities, we can record and use that as evidence."

J-Hope's expression grew serious. "We also need to think about the aftermath. Once we expose him, he's going to retaliate. We need to be prepared for any backlash that might come our way."

Suga nodded, finally speaking up. "This isn't just about taking him down; it's about making sure he stays down. We need to be strategic, make sure he can't recover from this."

Aera listened intently, feeling the weight of the situation. This was the moment they had been working towards, the culmination of all their efforts. It was risky, but they had no choice. Kim Seokmin had to be stopped.

"Alright," Aera said, her voice steady and determined. "Let's do this. We'll gather more evidence, intercept his calls, and expose him. We'll use every resource we have. But we need to be careful and meticulous. One wrong move, and we could lose everything."

Leo smiled, seeing the fire in everyone's eyes. "Then it's settled. We'll plan out each step carefully. Jimin, you'll be our inside man, providing us with any information we need to access his office. Jungkook, you and V handle the tech surveillance. Aera, you and I will work on infiltrating his office once we're ready."

The team nodded in agreement, the room buzzing with a renewed sense of purpose. They had a plan, and they had each other's backs. This was their chance to finally take down Kim Seokmin, and they were ready to do whatever it took to see it through.

The team spent the next few days meticulously planning their operation. They knew this was their best shot to take down Kim Seokmin, but they had to be smart and careful. The plan was risky, involving real-time hacking and infiltration, but it was their only chance to expose his crimes publicly and permanently.

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