The Infiltration

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Aera's POV

The weekend arrived faster than I expected. I found myself standing outside Jimin's house, the address etched into my memory and the mission looming over me like a dark cloud. I took a deep breath, forcing the hesitation out of my mind before I knocked on the door.

Jimin opened it with his usual bright expression, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside me. "Aera! Come in, come in. Let me show you around first."

I followed him inside, my eyes scanning the space for any clues, anything that could give me an advantage. But all I saw was a cozy, welcoming home—so different from the world I knew. It was almost disorienting.

He led me through the house, showing me the living room, kitchen, and other rooms. "This is where I spend most of my time," he said as we passed a room filled with books and a large desk. "But no one's allowed in here—it's my uncle's office."

I noted the subtle change in his tone when he mentioned the office, filing the information away for later. "Why aren't you allowed in there?" I asked, keeping my voice casual.

Jimin shrugged, his expression turning a bit more serious. "My uncle's really strict about it. He says there's important work stuff in there that's not for me or anyone else to see."

Interesting. I made a mental note to find out more about what was hidden in that room. But for now, I had to focus on the task at hand.

We continued the tour, eventually ending up in his bedroom. "We can work here," he suggested, motioning to a small table near the window. "It's quieter, and we won't be disturbed."

I nodded, trying to keep my expression neutral. The room was neat, with personal touches that made it feel more lived-in—posters on the wall, a guitar in the corner, and books stacked on the nightstand. It was a stark contrast to my own room, which was more like a fortress than a home.

We settled down and started working on the project, Jimin's usual chatter filling the silence. He was easy to be around, which only made my job harder. The more time I spent with him, the more I felt that strange sense of familiarity.

As we worked, I couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort. The room, the house, even Jimin himself—it all felt like a puzzle I couldn't quite solve. But one thing was clear: the office was off-limits for a reason, and I needed to find out why.

By the time we finished for the day, it was late. We exchanged numbers to coordinate our next meeting, and I left with more than just his contact information. I left with a growing sense of dread—a feeling that I was getting too close, that I was losing sight of the mission.

after leaving Jimin's house, I couldn't shake the thought of that locked office. There was something about it that didn't sit right with me. I knew I had to find out what was hidden inside.

I called Felix and Leo to discuss the plan. "We need to get into that office," I said, determination seeping into my voice. "There could be something critical in there—something that could lead us straight to Jimin's uncle."

Felix agreed without hesitation. "You should go back tonight, Aera. The house will be quiet, and you can sneak in through the window. Leo, be on standby to assist."

Leo nodded. "I'll be online, guiding you through it. I'll also have a few distractions ready if things get complicated."

Night fell, and I prepared myself for the mission. I dressed in black, blending into the night, and made sure my tools were ready. Stealth missions like this were second nature to me, but tonight felt different. There was an undercurrent of unease that I couldn't quite place.

I arrived at Jimin's house just before midnight, keeping to the shadows. The house was silent, with only a few dim lights glowing from within. I moved quietly through the garden, making my way to the back of the house where the office window was slightly open.

The window was just as I had left it, an open invitation. I climbed up, slipping inside the room without making a sound. The office was just as I remembered—filled with books, papers, and a large desk. But something felt off, as if the air was thick with secrets.

I pulled out my hidden camera and began taking photos, capturing every detail. As I moved around the room, my eyes fell on a small table in the corner, cluttered with framed photographs. I froze.

Among the photos was a picture of my mother.

Shock ran through me like ice. I stepped closer, my breath catching in my throat. It was unmistakable—my mother, smiling softly in a photo I had never seen before. And beside it, another photo—this one of my father.

Why were these photos here? My mind raced, trying to make sense of it. Were they just part of a collection of target profiles? Or was there something more sinister at play?

I forced myself to stay calm, to focus. I took photos of the pictures, my hands trembling slightly as I did. I needed to get out of here and figure out what this meant. But just as I turned to leave, another photo caught my eye—a picture of Jimin, much younger, standing next to my mother.

My heart pounded in my chest. What was my mother doing with Jimin? And why did his uncle have these photos?

I quickly snapped a picture of it and made my way to the window. As I slipped out of the room, my mind was spinning with questions. I needed answers, but they would have to wait until I was safely back home.

When I returned to my mansion, I immediately uploaded the photos to my laptop, staring at the images of my parents and Jimin. Felix and Leo were on the video call, waiting for my report.

"There's more to this than we thought," I said, my voice strained. "Jimin's uncle has photos of my parents in his office. And... there's a photo of Jimin with my mother."

Felix's expression darkened. "This changes everything. We need to dig deeper into Jimin's uncle—and fast."

Leo nodded, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he began analyzing the photos. "We'll find out what this means, Aera. We'll get to the bottom of it."

But as I sat there, staring at the photos, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was missing something important—something that could unravel everything.

The mission had just become personal, and I wasn't sure if I was ready for what I might discover.

author's note 

guys this one was pretty long huh? but i am still glad you made it and thank you so much for reading this but i really need to see what you think so please do comment and share your thoughts and can you please vote if you do i promise you will see jimin in you dreams please okay then see ya tomorro

love you always  

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