- a dear friend

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He next few days flew by in a blur of schoolwork, club meetings, and fleeting moments with Shi Ho. Despite the busyness, JK couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of his stomach ever since Shi Ho had shown him the mysterious envelope. It felt heavy, like a secret too big to carry, and he worried for her safety more than ever.

BTS had been consumed by their respective activities. Jimin and Aera were busy preparing for a basketball match, while Namjoon buried himself in library duties. J-Hope and Jimin were practicing diligently in the dance club, their laughter ringing through the halls. Meanwhile, Jin and Felix worked on their music project, their harmonies blending beautifully. Leo and Kai remained aloof, content in their world, occasionally joining the group but mostly focusing on their interests.

But JK found himself stealing glances at Shi Ho whenever he could. They had become friends, and he cherished their moments together—whether it was during lunch when they sat side by side discussing their artistic aspirations, or during the walk home after school, where they exchanged thoughts about their future.

As the days passed, JK noticed subtle changes in Shi Ho. She had started drawing again, but the carefree expressions had been replaced by a certain intensity in her artwork. There were dark sketches, abstract forms twisted in pain and confusion. He sensed she was wrestling with something more significant than the envelope; it was as if shadows from her past were creeping into her present.

One afternoon, as they sat on a bench in the park after school, Shi Ho nervously fiddled with her sketchbook. The sun hung low in the sky, casting golden rays across the field. JK watched her, his heart aching at the sight of her furrowed brows and the way her lips pressed into a thin line.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft but firm. "You seem... distant."

Shi Hao looked up, her large, expressive eyes reflecting the waning light. "I don't know, JK. It's just..." She hesitated, searching for the right words. "I feel like I'm on the edge of something, but I don't know what it is."

He leaned closer, wanting to reach out and comfort her but unsure how. "Is it about the envelope? Are you thinking about opening it?"

She nodded slowly, her gaze dropping to the ground. "I keep thinking about it, but I'm terrified of what it might mean. What if it's from someone I don't want to remember? Or worse, what if it's someone who wants to hurt me?"

JK's protective instincts flared. "Then we'll face it together. You don't have to do this alone, Shi Ho. I'm here."

She smiled faintly, but there was a sadness behind it. "You don't have to take on my problems, you know. I didn't mean to drag you into this."

"I want to help," he insisted, reaching out to place his hand over hers, feeling the warmth radiate between them. "You're my friend, and friends look out for each other. Just tell me what you need."

The contact seemed to ease some of her tension. Shi Hao took a deep breath, her voice steadier now. "Okay, but if we do this, I want to be honest with you. There are things from my past I haven't shared... things that scare me."

"I can handle it," JK promised, his gaze unwavering.

After a moment of silence, Shi Ho squeezed his hand gently, her grip reassuring. "Alright. Let's meet tomorrow after school. I think I need to open that envelope, and I'd like you to be there."

"Of course," he replied, relief washing over him. "I'll be there."

The rest of the evening felt like a whirlwind. JK tried to focus on his boxing practice but found himself distracted, replaying Shi Ho's words in his mind. He wanted to be there for her, but the thought of her past haunted him. Who could have sent that envelope? What was it that she feared?

The following day came too quickly. After school, JK met Shi Ho at their usual spot in the park. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow over everything, but instead of feeling calm, the atmosphere felt charged, almost electric with anticipation. Shi Ho sat on the bench, the envelope in her hands, her fingers trembling slightly.

"Are you ready?" JK asked, taking a seat beside her.

Shi Ho nodded but didn't speak. The envelope seemed to loom large between them, a physical manifestation of her fears. "I just... I've never been good at facing my past," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper.

JK placed a comforting hand on her back. "You don't have to do it alone. I'm right here."

Taking a deep breath, she opened the envelope with careful fingers. Inside was a single piece of paper, folded neatly. As she unfolded it, her breath hitched, and JK leaned closer to catch a glimpse.

The letter was typed, the words clear and stark against the paper:

Dear Shi Ho,

It's time to come home. We've been looking for you. You can't hide from your past forever. Answers are waiting for you. Come to the old factory at the edge of town tomorrow at sunset, and you'll learn everything you need to know. Don't bring anyone with you.

— A Friend

Shi Ho's face paled as she read the letter, her hands shaking. "What does this mean?" she whispered, her voice cracking. "Who is this person?"

JK felt a rush of anger and fear. "We can't let you go there alone. This could be dangerous."

"I can't just ignore it, JK," Shi Ho said, her eyes wide with anxiety. "What if they're right? What if answers are waiting for me?"

"Or what if it's a trap?" JK countered, trying to maintain his composure. "We need to think this through. I won't let you put yourself in danger."

Shi Hao looked down at the letter, her expression torn. "I don't know what to do. I've spent my whole life running from my past, but maybe it's time I face it."

"Facing it doesn't mean you have to go alone," JK insisted. "We can figure out a plan. Let's talk to the others; they can help us."

"No," she said firmly, her voice steady. "I can't involve anyone else in this. It's my past, and I need to handle it."

The determination in her voice was both inspiring and terrifying. JK squeezed her hand tighter. "You don't have to do this by yourself. Whatever is going on, you're not alone anymore. I'm not going to let you go into this without support."

Shi Ho met his gaze, her eyes glistening with emotion. "Thank you, JK. You mean that?"

"Absolutely," he said, feeling a surge of protective affection for her. "We'll figure this out together. Just promise me you won't go to that factory without me."

She nodded slowly, her expression softening. "Okay. I promise."

As they sat there in the fading light, a new resolve blossomed between them. No matter what lay ahead, they would face it together. And in that moment, JK felt a sense of hope. Maybe, just maybe, they could unravel the mysteries of Shi Ho's past, and in doing so, strengthen their bond.

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