A Promise of Revenge

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author's pov 

Aera tossed restlessly in the darkened expanse of her opulent bedroom, the shadows of the mansion closing in around her. Sleep was elusive, tainted by the relentless echoes of a past she could never escape.

In the quiet stillness, the world around her melted away as she drifted into a troubled dream. Her father's voice, clear and urgent, pierced the darkness.

"Daughter, never forget who hurt you. I wish for you to bring justice to yourself."

The dream was vivid, his words wrapping around her like chains. She could see his face, marked by pain and determination. His eyes bore into hers, a silent plea for vengeance that she could not ignore.

The dream twisted abruptly, a chilling scream cutting through the darkness like a knife. Aera jolted awake, her heart pounding as the echoes of her father's voice lingered."


"Aera jolted awake, her heart pounding. The dream had been so real, so visceral. She could still feel the lingering presence of her father's plea, the weight of his unfulfilled wish pressing down on her."

She took a deep breath, steadying herself. The mansion, once a sanctuary, now felt like a prison of memories and shadows. As she lay back down, the resolve hardened within her.

"I can't sleep peacefully... until I take my revenge, Appa. For you and for myself. 

The distant sound of the doorbell echoed through the mansion, cutting through her brooding thoughts. she quickly pushed the covers aside and rushed downstairs, her footsteps echoing through the empty hallways.

As she reached the front door, she threw it open to find Kai standing on the threshold, a casual yet confident smile on his face. His presence was a welcome distraction from the haunting dream.

"Sorry to drop by so late," Kai said, stepping inside as she held the door open. "I figured you might need some company."

she led Kai into the living area, her face a mask of controlled composure. She gestured for him to take a seat on the sofa, then took her place across from him, her posture rigid and her expression neutral.

Kai, noticing the lack of warmth in her eyes, settled into the sofa and pulled out the folder with practiced ease.". He knew better than to push her for emotions she wasn't ready to show.

"We've got new intel," he began, laying out the documents and photographs. "There's a connection between our targets and the people involved in your father's death. While it's not definitive, it's a promising lead."

Aera's gaze remained cold as she flipped through the documents, her fingers moving with precision but her face showing no sign of reaction. "Show me."

Kai watched her carefully. He knew that beneath the surface, she was deeply affected by her father's death, but she masked it with an impenetrable facade. He had seen her in countless missions, unflinching and relentless, but this personal quest was different.

"There are names here," Kai continued, pointing to the highlighted sections. "We think these individuals might be connected to the key player behind your father's murder."

Aera's eyes scanned the information with clinical focus. "I want to know everything about these people. We need to move on this immediately."

Kai nodded, understanding the urgency in her voice. "I'll get more details and keep you updated. You don't have to go through this alone. I'm here to help."

Her eyes flickered up to meet his, and for a moment, there was a brief, imperceptible shift in her expression—perhaps a hint of gratitude or acknowledgment. But it was gone as quickly as it came, replaced by her usual, unyielding demeanor.

"Thank you, Kai," she said, her voice steady and cold. "Let's get to work."

As they dove into the details, Kai couldn't help but admire her resilience. He knew she was driven by something far deeper than revenge—something that cut through the surface of her hardened exterior. And as they worked together, he hoped that one day she might find a moment of peace, even if it was just a fleeting glimpse beneath the armor she wore so well.

Kai finished explaining the plan and began to pack up the documents. "We've got a solid lead on Park Jimin, this boy is linked to the murderer somehow. We don't have all the details yet, but he's connected through family ties or business relations."but to gather more information, you need to be close to him. Enrolling at his school will be the best way to do that."

Aera absorbed the details with a calculating look. "I understand. I'll need to create a plausible backstory and integrate myself smoothly. It's important not to draw suspicion."

Kai nodded. "I'll assist with the application process and any additional support you might need. You'll also need to be careful about how you interact with Jimin. It's crucial that you gain his trust without raising any red flags."

Aera stood, her expression as stoic as ever. "I'll start preparing immediately. It's time to blend into this new environment and uncover what we need to know."

Kai gave a reassuring smile, knowing that despite her tough exterior, Aera was determined and focused. "Good luck. I'll be in touch with any further updates. Remember, the goal is to get close to Jimin and find out more about his connections. Keep your objectives in mind, and stay safe."

As Kai left the mansion, Aera began to plan her next steps. The task ahead was clear: she needed to become a student at the school where Jimin attended, gather information, and find a way to uncover the truth behind her father's murder.

authors note 

hi fellow readers i am so happy that someone is reading this story this is my first ever story and i hope you will like it i will be happy if you vote and gave your suggestion and prediction of what will happen next and i will try to give you update every week and if i miss i will try to make it up for you now as a welcome gift scroll up double update!!!!!

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