I'll have a martini

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Jake seemed pretty off after that. He had sung his part more forcefully than the original, him and Derek sharing secret glances the whole way through.

The concert was over sooner than I would have like it to be. Then again, if I had my way it would never stop. 

"Goodnight!" Derek shouted as he ushered the rest of the guys offstage. 

"We love you guys" Jake shouted, grinning. He winked into the audience and for a second his eyes met mine. I must've looked more amazed than I felt because he chuckled almost in sympathy before blowing a kiss in my direction. I was frozen but I managed to lift up my arm just enough to catch it and shove it deep into my jeans pocket. He laughed again before following the rest of the guys offstage. 

As soon as they were gone I collapsed into my chair. 

"That was the best night of my life" I sighed. 

"Not bad" Lola shrugged. I punched her arm.

"Kidding!" She surrendered. 

"I'm hungry" I stated. 

We walked to the car dragging all the merchandise I had decided I purchase. 

"We can't eat here" she said. 

"It's 2am" I replied "where else is gonna be open?" 

"True" She agreed "but this place will be crawling with hungry fans" 

"Then lets find a place" I gestured to the exit and we set off along the almost open road. Lola was right, it looked like most of the audience had stated for an after concert snack leaving the exit pretty empty. After about half an hour of driving we came to a bar. It was still lit and didn't seem very busy. We walked inside and ordered two drinks and some crisps. I took a seat at the bar, Lola following behind me. We discussed the concert and a few other things but it wasn't long before we started feeling the drain. 

"We can walk to the hotel from here ya know?" Lola stated randomly. 

"Ok" I acknowledged. 

"I think I'll walk back" she smiled and I could tell she was in the verge of drunk. 

"Good idea" I smiled. "Meet you back there" I gestured to the still full drink in my hand. 

She stumbled towards the door and I watched her walk back along the road. There was no traffic and the area was well lit so I felt no need to protect her. I got a text around five minutes later confirming that she was back safe.  

I turned back to the bar and decided to order another drink. 

"Another Rolling Rock please" I said, sounding a lot less drunk than I felt. 

"Make that two" a male voice behind me spoke up. I turned to see him. 

"Hey! It's you" he smiled. I nodded silently, star struck. 

Jake ran his hand through his already tousled brown hair. His roots were doused with sweat from his earlier performance and his chest still heaved through his tank. 

"Hi" I spluttered out. 

"I like your t-shirt" he joked gesturing to the Mayday Parade tee that I had bought along with my other merch.

"Thanks" I smiled. "I got like five"  I joked from some new found confidant part of me. He laughed again. 

"You're funny" he stated. I could feel myself blushing. Our drinks arrived and I had just shoved my hand into my pocket to look for change when Jake payed for both of us. 

"Thanks" I smiled shyly. 

"No problem" he smiled back. 

"So, why aren't you with the other guys?" I asked, hoping I would seem more interested fan than creepy stalker. 

"Just needed to be alone for a while" he shrugged. 

"I'm going soon" I replied. 

"No I didn't mean-" he flustered. "Please stay" he finished and I felt myself blush again. 

"What was going on with you and Derek today?" I asked raising my eyebrow. 

"Oh" he mumbled.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it." I realised how nosey I sounded. 

"No it's fine" he brushed away my comment "it's gonna get out anyway; My girlfriend cheated on me" 

I was dumbfounded. 

"Why?" Was all I managed to say. He laughed again. 

"Beats me" he shrugged "as far as I'm concerned she's just a bitch."

"A crazy blind bitch by the sounds of it" I added. 

"Thanks" he smiled. 

I don't know how long we talked for but the bar was empty and we were 

practically shoved out the door before we were done. 

"Would you mind if I walked you home?" Jake offered. His innocence was too adorable to decline, not that anyone in their right mind would anyway. 

"Sure" I agreed. The hotel really wasn't that far and we didn't have nearly as much time as I wanted to talk more. 

"I'd love to do this again sometime" Jake smiled when we reached the lobby. 

"Me too" I grinned back "although preferably not at 2am, I'm usually asleep then" I laughed and he chuckled with me. 

He handed me his phone and I realised he was asking for my number. 

"Are you serious?" I asked, shocked. 

He nodded so I punched in my number obediently. 

"I'll call you" he promised before leaving me to get into the elevator. 

"Wow" I breathed when I was alone. 

Just 'wow'. 

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