When you see my friends

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After about an hours worth of phone calls we had extended our vacation by another week. Lola was more than happy to go along with it. I put the phone down when I'd finished the final call. 

"Done" I sighed, practically slamming the phone down. I felt Jake pick me up from behind. 

"Come with me" he sang and I couldn't help laughing out loud. 

"Okay" I replied. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see" he grinned. We got outside and Jake hailed a taxi. He didn't give away any clues. We pulled up outside a large caravan park. He led me towards a brown tour bus and I recognised it instantly. 

"Oh my god" I almost screamed. "Sorry… fan girl" 

"It's fine" he laughed. "Come on" he gestured for me to follow him as he walked towards the large door at he far end. He opened it slowly. I heard him say something to whoever was inside and then he was beckoning me in. 

"Don't worry" he smiled. "Derek doesn't bite" 

I walked carefully inside the bus. It was just Derek perched on one of the sofas that ran the length of the bus. 

"Hi" he smiled. "You must be Skye?" 

I nodded. 

Jake gestured again for me to sit next to him. I found the conversation with Derek was just as easy as that with Jake. I stuck to normal questions about tour and his family. He was really nice and made me feel comfortable. After a while Alex and Brooks joined us. 

I ended up spending the whole day with the guys. They took me to lunch at some place called 'taco bell'. 

"You've seriously never had a taco bell?" Alex asked when our food arrived. 

I shook my head. 

"We don't have these in England" I smiled. 

We spent a few more hours sightseeing after that and then Jake offered to take me back to my hotel. When we reached my room he said goodbye. 

"Thanks for another awesome day" I smiled. 

"You're very welcome" he grinned back. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him before hugging him close to me. 

"I think the guys liked you" he said. 

"Yay" I replied laughing. 

"Not surprising though… you're amazing" he smiled again. 

I rolled my eyes in response. 

"I love you" he whispered and my heart skipped a beat. 

"I love you too" I whispered back before releasing him and opening the door to my room. 

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