May I say I loved you more?

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The rest of the night went by in a blur. My head was spinning as I tried to overcome the overwhelming dizziness that followed our kiss. Jake bought me some kind of ice cream that I'd never heard of but ended up loving and then we stopped for pizza. 

"Best in California" he explained as we approached the diner. It was almost empty apart from an old man that sat at the breakfast bar and a young couple snuggled together in the far booth. 

I took a seat at one of the smaller tables and Jake went to order for us. I couldn't help but admire his confidence. He leaned across the bar in a way that pulled his shirt across tight over his back and outlined his toned muscles. I chewed my lip as I watched him move, his silky voice seducing yet another young waitress. 

He walked back over to our table, grinning at me. I smiled back and noticed the evil glare I received from the young waitress Jake had been talking to. He sat across from me and stared out of the large window to his right. 

"Me and the guys came here last time we were on tour" he explained. 

I nodded and followed his gaze out of the window. He was watching the road, or so it looked like. The amount of cars had dropped considerably since we set off and it only then occurred to me that I didn't know what time it was. 

"What time is it?" I asked him. 

"About ten thirty" he replied. "Are you tired?" He looked hurt. 

"No, no I didn't-" I sighed. "Just curious" I laughed and he laughed with me. 

We found ourselves lost in conversation again so we hardly noticed when the waitress arrived at our table with our giant slices of pizza. 

"Woah" I announced taking in its size. 

"You don't have these in England?" He asked.

"Maybe about three times smaller" I chuckled. 

Jake was right; it was the best pizza I had ever tasted. I found I had to remind myself I was on a date so as not to completely lose myself in its orgasmic qualities.

"Good?" He asked taking in my enjoyment with a slight chuckle. 

"Mmmm" I half moaned laughing back. 

Despite the deliciousness of it I found I couldn't eat the whole slice. 

"You're so British" Jake laughed. 

"I dunno how you do it" I stated staring at his totally empty plate. 

"I'm American" he shrugged. "Eating's in my blood" 

We left the diner and walked back onto the now illuminated sidewalk. Jake took my hand in his and led me across the road towards the path that lead to my hotel. I made a left for the entrance but he had other plans.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked, pulling a puppy dog expression that melted my heart completely. 

I looked at him, confused. 

"C'mon" he smiled, dragging me along the path parallel to the hotel. We reached a large park that seemed pretty deserted. I almost walked into him when he stopped abruptly in front of me. He dropped to the ground and sat cross legged, his hands behind him, looking at the sky. I sat down beside him despite the dangers it posed to my outfit. 

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" He whispered string up into the mass of diamond stars that pierced the darkness like raindrops. 

"Beautiful" I agreed. He lay down with his hands behind his head and I copied. 

"Look at this one" he beckoned me closer to him. He pointed to a large cluster of stars with his right hand, his left pulling me into him by my waist. I lay down next to him and let my head rest on his chest. I felt the gentle rise and fall if his chest and heard his slightly faster than normal heart rate. I was sure mine was beating a lot faster. 

We looked at the stars for about half an hour before Jake decided it was time to take me home. I arrived at my door but decided against opening it, knowing that Lola would probably be listening on the other side. 

"Thank you" I smiled. 

"For what?" He asked innocently. 

"The best night I've had in a while" I replied. 

"No problem" he smiled. "Ditto" 

I felt myself blush again. 

"Goodnight" he said seeming slightly disappointed. 

"Night" I smiled back. He leaned in close to me and kissed me quickly. It was adorable that he was nervous. I gripped him lightly by his open shirt collar and pulled him into a more passionate exchange. I let go and smiled at his already grinning face. 

"Night" he said again then he was gone. 

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