Kids in love

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Lola returned from lunch just after I'd finished my food. 

"Are you just having breakfast?" She asked. I nodded, my mouth still slightly full of hash brown. She rolled her eyes and came to sit beside me on the bed. 

"Lola" I gushed. "You're never going to believe this" 

"What?" she urged me to continue. 

"After you left the bar last night I stayed for another drink and guess who showed up?" 

"Oh my god!" She screamed reading the excited expression on my face. 

"I know!" I screamed back. "It was amazing, we talked for hours and then I gave him my number" 

"Wow" she breathed. 

"It gets better" I beamed. "He just called and said he could show me around the city. He's picking me up at five!" 

We were like two school children joining hands and jumping with excitement. 

"I'm so happy for you!" She squeaked before hugging me tightly and almost winding me. 

Five came faster than I expected and Lola was still in the process of getting me ready when the alarm that I set sounded. I'd decided to go with a day dress, not too casual but not overly formal, and a pair of heels that were comfy enough for walking and made up the height difference between me and Jake. I was still hooking my earrings through when there was a gentle knock at the door. 

"One minute" I called from the bathroom. I checked my reflection one last time, took a deep breath and walked towards the door. I opened it slowly. 

"Hey" Jakes silky voice greeted me from the other side. He wore a pair of dark jeans and a faded blue button down shirt rolled up to his elbows. He noticed me taking him in and did the same. 

"You look great" he said and I felt myself blush once again. 

"Not too bad yourself" I joked and I was rewarded with a lopsided smile and a slight chuckle. 

"Bye" I shouted into the hotel room before pulling the door closed behind me. 

We left the hotel and I began walking in the direction of the taxi rank. 

"This way" Jake explained pointing off to the left. He took my hand gently in his, guiding me to the direction we now walked. I tightened my grip slightly and he took the hint and didn't let go. The electricity between us just from that simple touch was extraordinary and I hoped that he felt it too. We ended up walking a small street between two rows of tall buildings. Jake pointed to each of the ones we walked past telling me all about them. His knowledge was astounding. 

'Not just a pretty face' I noted. We reached the end of the street and he pulled me to the right towards a small café. He gestured towards an outdoor table. 

"I'll be back in a sec" he promised, walking inside. The loss I felt as soon as his hand was no longer touching mine was shockingly significant.I took a seat at a two-seater table. There weren't that many people out here despite the fact that it was only just 6. Jake returned and sat opposite me. 

"You like coffee right?" He asked. I nodded. "Good; need something to keep us up" he smiled. 

"What do you have planned?" I grinned back. 

He tapped the side if his nose and winked at me. A young blonde waitress appeared carrying our drinks. She giggled and fussed around Jake in a way that made it obvious I wasn't the only one here attracted to him. Jake however didn't seem to notice her. He thanked her politely for the drinks and then turned back to talk to me. She sighed and walked back inside. 

"I like it out here" Jake stated. "Most people go straight for the city and places like this just get looked over" 

"It's beautiful" I agreed. From where we sat I saw large buildings and wildlife shooting up confidently from the sun-kissed  ground. A large lake spread lazily over a clearing in the distance. 

When we finished in the café, Jake led us onwards towards some of the forest area I could see from the table. Within minutes he had taken my hand back in his and I couldn't stop myself from blushing and grinning like an idiot. The path through the forest was fairly simple which meant we could concentrate more on talking. Jake wanted to know everything about me. I told him about my life back in Britain, how i didn't have much going for me, how I was thinking of moving out here someday. He seemed to like that part. 

"You should think about it" he agreed and I could tell he was trying to act like he cared a lot less than he did. "Americas a great place to live" 

"I don't know many people here" I shrugged "and I don't know what I want to do for my job" 

"You know me" he said quietly "and we're always looking for more stage crew" he laughed. 

"I'll think about it" I winked and he seemed relieved. 

"I'd love to see you everyday" he smiled and I knew he felt the same. Even though we had only really known each other a few days we both felt an instant connection.

Jake stopped suddenly. 

"What?" I asked, curious. 

"This is it" he smiled. He led me to a fallen tree a few feet to our right and we sat on it, despite its groaning protests. A gap in the trees allowed a perfect view of the stunning lake that I had seen from the table. 

"Wow" I whispered. 

"Beautiful" Jake whispered back. 

I turned to see that he was looking at me, his piercing blue eyes scanning my face. A breeze swept through the trees and I moved closer to him. His arm circled me and he placed his hand on my waist. I laid my head gently on his shoulder and turned back to admire the view. I felt Jakes chin disturb my hair and looked up to find him smiling down at me. 

"Hey" he whispered. Then he leaned in closer. Our faces were almost touching and I could taste his sweet breath on my tongue. I let my lips lead and before I knew it, they were met with his. Jakes lips were soft and warm and they fit with mine perfectly. My stomach churned but in the best way possible and my heart beat a million miles a minute. He pulled away slowly, his eyes still closed, grinning like a fool. 

"Wow" he whispered before pulling me back into him. 

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